They add shitcoins because certain shitcoins have a shitload of volume (at the time of addition, at least). Why the fuck wouldn't you list a high volume coin? The are in business to make money, and you make money from transaction fees. Get the fuck over yourself.
because clearly you and Cryptsy is and has all along been playing dumb.. adding them is supporting them
and what has supporting scam coins gotten us ? a bloody mess that's what !
there was a time when they tried.. like when they heard the backlash on adding ORB and promptly removed it..
over time they just flat out simply gave up and caved in.. ORB was snuck back in mid DEC when no one would put up a fuss.
They have lowered the bar of all of crypto.
They have bitten the hand that feeds them by supporting scam coins and in turn making Bitcoin itself worth less.
shit coins are traditionally only used to pump and dump and cash out to BTC so when you make BTC look bad across the world it's pretty dumb.
and i can show the backlash across the globe growing on Bitcoin and the public has barely gotten wind of the scammy altcoin scene yet too.
Throwing away your integrity to support scam coins because of "user demand" is foolish and shorted sighted..
they do this for short term financial gain regardless of the very real long term risks to the whole entire crypto scene !
They also have been instrumental in creating a huge scene we have here in the Altcoin section here and elsewhere where new coins being added has exploded out of control
and allowed the coin cloners to stream line their scams so they can be posted asap.. over time the scam coin posters don't even bother tryng to make the coin seem legit anymore..
they don't have to.. idiots and scamers and exchanges like Cryptsy will add them no matter how bad they or made them.
They have lowered the bar badly.. and when shit hits the fan they will play dumb and pass the buck and accept NO responsibility for any of it ever.
They and other exchanges also have supported the anonymity of these coin cloners.. it does not matter to them WHO makes a coin.
So in reality the guy could be a thief that stole coins from an exchange or a coin cloner that has released 100 coisn here..
as long as it's one with an enough interest interest they will add it anyway.. as long as they make money NOTHING else matters.
and this has been demonstrated and proven time after time after so no it's not up for debate.
They have even hidden coin cloners identitiea when the public has asked who made the coin..
they simply add the coin anyway and say we know who made it but we won't tell you. They did exactly that with the scam coin TIX by iGotSpots and his Cryptsy staff/friends.
for example Mullick and Prime for sure and maybe other Crypsty staff had direct involvemnt in making TIX and i have endless proof on that.
All of them lied non stop and played little games on Cryptsy chat box about back then too and had changed tehir story on TIX non stop also.
And if you confront them they will just get evasive and scammy.. the usual.
It goes deeper to because they had a well known cloin cloner help them that has made many of the coins on Cryptsy.
Hell (cryptsy staff) Mullick has his own coin Shakezulu made for him and has helped fix etc many times
And that guy has a made a large percentage of all the coins on cryptsy.. what does that tell you ? they will on Skype they are all buddies.
Sorry you can't have one staff member compiling the coin and another making the graphics and posting it exclisivly on his own crypto site and
avoiding posting it here for example and another adding it to the exchange and then say ohhhh we're not involved..
SO yeah staff have endlessly been directly involved in making scam coins then adding them to get your money.. rinse repeat.
credibility ? lol ok then.. they can start with common sense FIRST that would be a good *start.. THEN worry about credibility.
and now they are selling votes for coins to get added.. i guess their 'bounties' they would traditionally take for putting new scam coins on is not enough
and they need more money to work on adding fiat support soon lol
sadly i have tried to reason with them but it winds up being a waste of time.. they all play dumb and make excuses.
when the bottom line is if they quit adding them a lot less would get made in the first place..
they are a major player in the scam coin vicious cycle that is spiraling put of control.
and making ALL OF US look like corrupt greedy scumbags.
and their mods have a long history of releasing coins themselves or being involved with them which sometimes great lengths have been taken to sneaky about it too
they as usual play dumb about it or down play it..i have various interesting pieces of info on that is 100% undeniable and they know it.
Cryptsy has been best friends all along with coin cloning spammers and occasionally their staff have been involved in helping make the scam coins
that get posted on the exchange so as far as i am concerned they are corrupt, greedy and selfish. and i have real world tangible proof to back that up too. (as others do)
Are they any different than ANY other exchange ? no i don't think so.. sad and scary part is they are better than the others.. what does that tell you ?
If people knew what i (and others) know they would list far more than issues with *just coin deposits as the problem.
They are a lost cause don't waste your time with them.. it's scam coin exchange.. if anything expect things to get worse not better.
So out of the wood work comes Spoetnik first are you not the original coin gen people could come to you and you would pump out a shit coin in 10 min for them........ but here you are again leading the charge changing your tune how convenient it so funny that 3 people that have made a lot of money (well 1 that lost a lot of it we wont go into that) off creating SHIT COINS are here to clean them up thanks guys way to go pat on the back. Lets get real here Mudda R3wt Spoet you are the problem and have been you stir the pot to remove the blame from yourself its childish and kinda funny at this point. Cryptsy as a former chat mod or current chat mod IDK i would say i disagree with paid voting on the other hand the rest of these issues that people are whining about have been good decisions for you as a business maybe not coins as a whole but that is not your responsibility R3wt how many shit coins where on Openex before you lost it all? i dont think we can blame the exchanges i dont think we can blame the new devs the ones to blame are the 3 that started this mess a long time ago. So now to address JD and the accusations against him yes he did troll and beg but he also did work for others and helped others around this community and the coin you speak of is a well respected coin by most HBN he didn't make it he didn't ask for it i was there in the cryptsy chat box the day it was created for him. HBN was a gift to the Hobo formally known as JD and he poured himself into it promoting and doing philanthropy DOGE didn't do the first crypto donations HBN did JD did he has contributed a lot to this community and shame on you for calling him out. If JD was given a paid position it was based on his merit and work in the community and i for 1 think he deserves every dime (or CENT
) they give him. There is this famous book you may have read and that i don't quote often but has great incite into common sense and morals: " do not attempt to move the speck of dust from your brothers eye before removing the plank from your own" you may not believe in what that book stands for as i do not but the advice i think fits well here. So Spoetnik will you please crawl back under your troll bridge and take muddah with you thanks guys