How long does it take Bitstamp exchange to move newly arrived bitcoins (from its customers) to cold storage...? Does anybody has any idea?
Im askign because i want my coins to be secured and coins in cold storage on any exchange IS (ARE) more secured than the ones in HOT wallets (ready for immidiate withdrawl...).
And i know it takes some timeframe before the coins are added to cold storage on bitstamp (or any exchange). The one time (only one?) bistamp was hacked, the coins in the cold storage were safe... only the coins deposited "lately" (e.g. i assume coins in hot wallets on exchange) were at risk and partially stolen (AFAIK).
So does anybody have any idea how long does it take before Bitstamp moves newly arrived coins to its cold storage? 1 hour? 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day...?
(thank you)
There is no way you are going to have access to that kind of information and if anybody tells you he knows, its fake as the only source of that would be a top level guy in that exchange site not even the moderators or staff because that to me is a top secret information that would not only be kept, but guided. The moment that has been exposed, it then mean an attack is imminent when you know when fund go in, you obviously know when it comes out. That won't happen.
Why are you even bothered as to when they are moving it, what should be your concern is if its safe there? The moment they can guarantee that, I don't think there is need to bother yourself again. If you want your coin to be in hot wallet or cold storage, you had better keep it on your own where you control the key yourself and back it up. That would give you what you seek.
wrong... there was a hack in bitstamp and as far as i remember only the "hot" (thay called it "operational") wallet was/were compromised... the cold were safe.
Why am i asking? Because i want to know during which timeframe should i worry the most and "keep an eye on it" and after which time i can be more assured (since when its in cold wallets i believe its much harder for hacker to obtain those)... For example can i relax 1 hour after sending my coins to an exchange (after they are credited) or after a day?
It seems like a reasonable question, and someone that watched the hack of bitstamp back in the day more closely would know.