I have already pointed out some time ago in a reply to one of your posts that it won't be that easy for the majority of Trezor owners. Both of these features cannot be enabled in neither the web interface nor Trezor Suite (yet); trezorctl is required. I highly doubt that an average user knows about these features and the vulnerability affecting their device.
I do recall your response to me at that earlier time. My repeated attempts here are to make sure that those users caring enough to come here and learn, have in fact read that these enhancements are available. Users don't need to be confined to using trezorctl on a daily basis while they use their hardware wallets. You are CORRECT that the power features offered by trezorctl cannot be initialized on web wallets. BUT after enabling these features (using trezorctl) a user can wander around on Androids with mobile capabilities enjoying their web wallets while still be protected by these features. You only need the command line powers to enable not to use! e.g. - Electrum and trezor.io work perfectly well and these powers/features don't interfere at all. I know you are aware of that Rath, I placed this post/rebuttal here so other readers might consider their options.
Housekeeping: The Trezor/GitHub team(s) have put some work into making sure Trezors are secure. If people don't enable their devices to maximize its capabilities and something like a coin loss happens (from not being fully enabled) then at least know they did their job. I hope Trezor users that are here in this forum will consider this. In the end, if you decide NOT to pursue this, at least employ long passphrases using BIP enhancements. I say do both, its what I do for sure.