I don't bitmain bash anymore. They are the giant of gear. I will never reach the point of 1 or 2 % of the network so buying 10,000 s17's won't happen on my part.
if the network is 41,000,000 th and a s17 is 41 th there would need to be 1,000,000 s17s to match current numbers
10,000 s17's would be about 1% of that.
fanatic_26 is looking to fill 40 mega watts down the road that is 40,000 kwatts or
40,000/1.6 = 25,000 s17's
I like to read his viewpoint as he is the largest miner that actively posts here.
for scale viewpoint if everything I am looking to do happens I will be running 280 + 40 + 11 = 331 kwatts
or 331/1.6= 210 s17's
quite the difference
If things stay about the same I will be running 65 kwatts or 65/1.6 = 40 s17s
fanatic_26 will have a different mindset then most if not all of us.
He is also able to have a lot more access to upper bitmain management then I will ever have.
as 25,000 x 1200 = 30 million
and 210 x 1200 = 252 thousand
This reason lack of access to bitmain is why I tend to prefer the number 2 builder of gear.
used to be the avalon's it now seems to be the whatsminer's. I can have some behind the scene conversations and some access to them.
How do I blame bitmain for paying more attention to fanatic_26 then to me? I don't.