So 1 person would need over 50 years to code something like bitcoin from scratch? Well...Makes it not become easier I think.
Bitcoin Core with its current feature set without having another implementation that they could gawk at.
If you drop features or assume the other programmer could read Bitcoin Core's codebase than it would take a lot less time -- which is part of how there are a number of other implementations.
These figures don't include time for research and design, however. And if you didn't have access to Bitcoin Core (or similar) there would be a substantial amount of that required.
For example, Bech32(m) has a really solid man year of R&D time in it alone, even though its implementation is short (0.15kloc. 0.25 person-months per COCOMO). There are a number of small parts of Bitcoin Core that were novel tech which had much higher R&D costs than typical for industrial programming problems.
So the COCOMO estimates assume that you've received the high level design and feature requirements as inputs and are not doing a large amount of novel invention and research (though it does assume you're doing some), but it also doesn't assume that you've got access to the source code of another complete implementation.
It really depends on what you're asking, exactly.
I understand. I know there is no exact answer possible. But when u have no clue about it it's hard to imagine.
Here I copy the noob explaination about what's needed: all.
Since years I had a concept for a coin that would fit all needs (imo) and want to know some opinions on it.
I see so many stupid and nonsens in the world of cryptos and i asked myself, why not take your concept and start to build it up and share it, maybe it opens some doors to realize it.
So i want share my coin, thats not created yet! So feel free to contibute with ideas!
BlueCredit - SystemThe ECredit - System is divided in two related coins (good to compare with ETH and Gas).
1. BlueCredits (or HardCredits)
There is a total supply of x BC, no decimal places.
Generating GreenCredits, every x transactions the same amount (1BC generates 1 GC every x transactions).
2. GreenCredits (or SoftCredits)
No max. supply. No decimal places. Used as daily fast money and are required to send BlueCredits.
So BlueCredits generating GreenCredits like ETH gas. But in this case the "gas" is the actual money we use and BlueCredits are more an investment system that generates new money.
The transaction fee is determinated on x% of any amount. 50% of the transaction fees goes to the miners that solve the transactions, the other 50% get
burned! This is how the coin regulates itself.
Also the sender can decide how "safe" each transaction has to be - the encryption can be raised unlimited (what means that a higher encryption need more time/work for the miner to do the transaction). This would make it stay safe also when the time of quantum computing is arrived.
Miners are only using their power to solve transactions - there is no rising difficulty or something else they need to solve (no more wasted energy) - an eco friendly mining system. Every miner who solve a transaction get the 50% fees from it.
In this system investors could have a lot of interest in BlueCredits to hold cause they generating new supply. On the other hand the GreeCredit would be the payment methode for any time and any "money" transaction. It would regulate it self with the burning effect and could handle a stable finance system.
Feel free do destroy my idea!