"Dust" and transaction fees are two different things.
"Dust" is something that a wallet acquires when you receive a very large number of extremely small value transactions.
Transaction fees are something that you pay to the miner to provide an incentive for them to confirm your transaction in the block that they solve.
You can look at the block in a block explorer to see how many transaction fees were included in the block.
According to this chart:
There are between 8 BTC and 13 BTC in transaction fees per day. With approximately 144 blocks solved per day, that would seem to imply that the average block includes between 0.05555556 BTC and 0.09027778 BTC in fees.
Wow excellent answer, thanks for the detail. I actually thought the transaction fees was more, that is why I made a suggestion in another thread, to take some of these fees, to pay for people running a "full node" but for that to happen, fees would have to be increased.
I would have to re-think that idea.