Research has it that no man is satisfied with what he has . I also went further to check the profile of most prominent men that have existed and also existing and I realised that most of them have enough money yet the are still searching for more , they have power and yet they are still fighting to get more power ,they have assets yet they are still buying more properties, and I ask again when will they be satisfied?.
Never. No matter how much power and money a person receives, it will always not be enough for him. There are also studies whose results show that people's satisfaction decreases the more money they receive. That is, the amount of money that will temporarily satisfy demands grows exponentially. With the new time, more and more is required. Human
greed is truly insatiable.
Additionally, I have seen so many academia , professors , yet they are still fighting for more knowledge, and the question here is when will they be satisfied?.
never either. The desire for knowledge (having more than others) is somewhat reminiscent of power and money.
Even in this forum I have also seen high ranked members who are staff and with thousands of posts and merits yet they also post every day hoping to be merited as well , and the question again here Is when will they be satisfied?.
never. I am a little bit one of these, because every time I receive merit, pleasant sensations arise.
But I’m still far from reaching the limits.
Finally , I have also seen my friends bitcoin wallet with so many coins in dollars yet they buy bitcoin every day , trade everyday , HODL coins everyday , so the question here is when will they be satisfied?
And again,
never again. They also enjoy every successful transaction and enjoy the process. Again, what's wrong with your friends building their net worth? Surely it's better than if they squandered it.