Since I saw your post, I have seen more corrections and facts, you are very right. Emphasizing on the government and dietary intake is just not a genuine reason why people are fat, it has to be related to gene, lifestyle and food consumption etc.
There is a gene called melanocortin-4-receptor gene (MC4R), such gene mutation has been one of the main cause of obesity. Although there are other genes (for example ADIPOQ, INSIG2 and PCSK1 etc) that can be mutated and resulting to obesity. Although, the genes are linked to excessive eating and obesity, but yet later the genes are responsible for some people that will not eat much after being obessed but yet not reducing in weight that resulted to big problem.
Like me and most people that I know as a friend and my community, I noticed our diet, mainly carbohydrates like rice, wheat, yam, amala (grinded yam and casava, eba (prepared from casava flake), pounded yam, sweet potato, Irish potato and maize during maize season. I am very certain in Nigeria that 70% of our diet are made up of this foods while in each meal it is supported with meat, fish and soup. The main protein source from plants are beans family while the rest are meat, fish, egg and other animal by products, but we eat more of carbohydrates. Oil from palm oil and normal vegitable oils like soy oil, groundnut and sunflower.
I have read little about food consumption and daily requirements while using Guyton and Hall in the past, I noticed the food intake requirements corelate with the food intake in my community which are 65% to 70% carbohydrates, 20% to 25% protein while 10% to 15% fat/oil.
Even with the hard work and bad economy in my country, most people are not fat, while people that are fat should know to go to dietician for food recommendation. At first, some will wake up early in the morning and jog before going for work and it worked for some, while some do fast like until 12 pm before eating, or combining it with jogging and it worked for some people. Some will still later decide to just visit dietician for what could help them.
The body is very not the same, I have a friend that eat a lot but not fat and want to be fat, some eat plenty of carbohydrates and yet taken drugs like vitamins and suppliments in order to be fat.
You are correct because no one way to have healthy weight.
You can do a few things if the-medically tests are available.
At 10 15 and 20 you can do the carb testing Dr Atkins used to do.
You fast for 16 hours then drink a coca cola like super sweet drink.
They measure how you body handles the carbs and you at least know if you should restrict carbs in your diet.
40% of Americans taking this test are like me they need a lower carb intake.
I am lucky that My body processes dairy meat nuts and seeds very well.
I also process colestoral very much the same no matter what fats I eat.
My wife tried the Atkins diet in the 90’s and lost 20 pounds but her text book perfect colesteral went a bit higher.
I have been doing the low carb atikins diet for 3 years. When I found I had the type 2 diabetes.
my good but not perfect colesteral stayed exactly the same.
Even though I add meals with lots of hi fat yogurt and good quality cheese.
Removed rice
removed bread
removed pasta
no soda
no milk
but cream and butter are okay.
So I literally added 1000 calories in fats and protein and removed 600 calories of carbs
my weight stayed the same.
my colesteral stayed the same.
but my blood sugar dropped from a1c of 12.1 to 6.8
and my daily readings dropped from 260 to 120
It is tough to care for your self in different ways in different countries.
USA seems nice but god I could take you to a supermarket and 75% maybe 80% of the food is unhealthy.
In Nigeria there may not be enough meat and dairy available and too much rice or yams or carbs.