How to understand how to brute this ??
Nobody knows how to break public keys in a fast way. Also, any private keys are what they are only under this base point G. If you switch to (1/2)*G, then you can multiply your private keys by two, and you will reach the same points. So, technically there is nothing like "parity" of the private key, because it is relative to the base point G. And there is no way to detect, if you reach any "fractions" or not, because there are no fractions.
In ECDSA, everything is always in modulo, rotating like in a clock, that's what makes the whole system secure, so you cannot look at it in the same way as you look at typical space of infinite numbers. Here, you can reach square root of some number that will behave in the same way as some integer! By understanding the clock analogy, you should understand that many numbers are connected with the same points, that's what makes some algorithms useless, because you cannot "just find out if that public key is in that range or not". You also cannot "just know if some public key has even or odd private key". Everything is relative to the base point, you should think about it as a pair of points, connected with some equation, like "A=x*B" or "A=x+B" (or even "A=x*B+c", in case of signatures).
Original privkey not divided is a 2^80, but divided privkey mach more
Of course it is. If you have some prime modulo, and you choose something small, for example 13, then your private keys are in range [1;12]. If you have some key from range [1;4], you can multiply that by 3, then it will be in range [1;12], but you will have different "granularity", that will change from 1 to 3. The same with dividing, which is really the same as multiplication by modulo inverse.
Maybe looking at those numbers modulo 13 will help, they are all equal in our "ECDSA world of modulo numbers":
As you can see, in modulo 13, there are no fractions, because they are equal to integers. Also, there are no negative numbers, there are no square roots, nothing like that. There are only numbers that behave in the same way. And if you look at the real, huge, 256-bit modulo used in Bitcoin, it works in the same way as in this modulo 13 example. Just remember that there are no fractions.