in other words you pay fees on every trade you make.
with 0.2% fee
Buy 1000DOGE @75sat cost of buy is 75000sat -----> you pay 150 satoshi fee
Sell 1000DOGE @80sat cost of sell is 80000sat -----> you pay 160 satoshi fee
79840 - 75150 =
you will get 4690 satoshi profit
But do not think Price will always go up it can Down also So Big investment = Big profit / Big loss
In trading line their is risk but without you take any risk you cannot get profit in your life
In simple words -
profit = income minus expenses you made to get this income
loss = when the profit is negative its called loss.
i simply corrected the mistake of my above posts.
to complete that here is the loss:
with 0.2% fee
Buy 1000DOGE @75sat cost of buy is 75000sat -----> you pay 150 satoshi fee
Sell 1000DOGE @70sat cost of sell is 80000sat -----> you pay 140 satoshi fee
69860 - 75150 =
you will have 5290 satoshi loss (-profit)