I very often observe on many branches of the forum a lot of questions about how to choose a bounty campaign correctly, on the one hand it is profitable and on the other hand not to get into SCAM.
In this topic, I want to share with the newbies my scheme which I overdo when I choose a bounty campaign.
No one can know whether the bounty is successful or it's SCAM. I also got on projects that were broadcasting to be good, but in the end something went wrong, then the team set up, or they just did not raise money ... there are many factors.
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STEP 1. We are looking for a branch where all the bounties are located.Typically, many campaigns have the main branch (English-speaking if the project is foreign) and several local branches. If you are more or less good at English, I would advise you to watch the campaign immediately in the original branch.
Here's the link>>>
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=238.0STEP 2. Search for the bounty.Among the many campaigns those are updated in the branch almost every minute, look through and select those that are relatively fresh, that is, they started 1-3 weeks ago and have not reached the middle yet. Why is it so important? I'll explain, it's because most of you have the rank of Jr. Member and Member, and since it is more difficult to raise your rank, you will remain in this status for a while and you need to learn how to get the benefits from projects with your ranks. At the time when Sr. and Hero Members can go for a couple of weeks before the end of the campaign and pull out their huge pieces, you need to go early in order not to stay completely with pennies.
STEP 3. Evaluation of the project.Among those projects that you have selected in your "sheet" we select those who on your opinion can "shoot" in the future. What are we looking at?
1- elementary for the fact that the topic with the bounty must look good, that is, all the information about the project, all the necessary links, clearly identified all the campaigns, the percentage ratio between them and in general what percentage goes to the BAUNTY.
2- many people attach great importance to the manager of the bounty, I also think that this factor plays a role. If you see that the bounty campaign is hosted by a well-known trusted manager who already has a good reputation, who previously managed successful projects, it is more likely that this project will be good. If the manager with the rank of Jr. Member and nobody knows him, without a history of "career" you need to look more carefully at the campaign.
3- the availability of high-quality pages in social. networks and a good website with all the necessary information.
4- and one of the most important is the availability of a good project team. You can find them at the of. website of the campaign. There should be provided all info. about the members of the team.
STEP 4. Evaluation of the possible profit.As for me, this is the most important step. Here, from the already selected bounties, you look at the numbers.
1-how much is allocated for the campaign in which you want to participate. For example, a good percentage for the signature campaign is from 30% and above. For Twitter and FB 10-20% and so on.
2-the ratio of steaks between you in "veterans". If, for example, Junior gets 1 steak per week, Member 5, and Hero 20, it's unlikely that you will be able to earn something there. A good ratio is between 5-7 times between the lower and the higher ranks. Again, many managers adhere to their reward system, and they usually apply this to all their campaigns.
3- VERY IMPORTANT FACTOR. Number of participants in the bounty. If everything is good by the numbers and everything suits you, pay attention to the number of participants. If you open a spreadsheet and there are 500 members in the signature, you have nothing to do with your rank there. The same applies to Twitter and FB only on the number of about 2000-3000. Try to choose a campaign where the number of participants is in the area of 100 for signatures (there will be more then anyway) and 300-500 for social networks. Then you can tear off a bit with your rank.
STEP 5. Be careful !!! See very carefully the rules of the campaigns, make sure that you all understand how to do otherwise you can lose some of your own and not so big profit at best, at worst you will be thrown out of the campaign and you will not get anything. See which branches you can and cannot do posts, how many characters, what language, how many posts per week, what day the recount is, do not do everything in one day! On Twitter how many tweets and retweets a week you need or you can do, where, how, what content, reports or without them, when to do them and where to write. This is all very important!
Friends, I hope this topic will help you in the future to choose a good bounty campaign.
Write in comments that you do not think so and what you want to add, please rate the article. And sorry for my grammar mistakes this is my first time.
Thank you