Make sure your ElectronCash is pointing to the right blockchain... when you goto the network settings... what is the current block count? If it is higher than 480,000 then your ElectronCash is most likely connected to BTC servers...
Also, did your Electrum address start with a "1" or a "3"?
I Changed the netwerk just to be sure manually to a bitcoin cash server aswell as the port.
block height is 479186
My electrum adress where i initially deposited my btc before the fork started with a 3, why?
1- get electrum cash on your electron click Wallet => Private Keys => Export => Save file
3- on Electrum Cash wallet => Private Keys => Import => Select file
1; got it and made a wallet
2; in electrum i can only export private keys to JSON or CSV format, did both
3; in electron (= electrum Cash) tried importing the files both are not readable, i must enter all the private keys myself
What i have done is this:
1. Made a wallet in electron
2. Exported the private key of the BTC recieve adress in my electrum wallet that holded the BTC before the fork.
3. Seeing the option import private key(wallet - private keys - import) was not availlable, In my electron wallet i did "new/restore" under file menu and entered the private key of step 2, creating a new wallet with the private key where my BCC funds should normally be in.
4. double checked the server was linked to the bitcoin cash network
Still dont have my BCC..