It says cc is not a internal command etc
It looks like it does not recognize gcc
Are you using Visual Studio or something else to compile it.
Only wallets i have seen written in C# for windows uses a project called NBitCoin that is massive
and when i downloaded it from Github someone had left an extras file in the project so it would not compile
until i worked it out and just deleted the file but in a project that size it took more than a few seconds to spot.
Sorry cannot help if your using GNU to compile it, too far out of date with that one.
What I am starting to see are on-line HTTP API's you can call and write wallet code against in no time so long
as you don't mind paying the API owners a fee but from my investigations it would be easier to give birth to an elephant than
to talk directly to BTC nodes on port 8333 from a wallet you wrote yourself and i don't trust other peoples code library when it contains
hundreds of classes