let me giving my opinion.
first, of course about what project behind the coins.
i mean what will dev do with that money.
if that for free, i mean just for fcking fun. i am not sure your coins will be added to market.
about price my opinion that from ICO or something like that.
Or does it perhaps work like I release 1 million coins backed by $10000 so each coin is worth $0.01, who is going to verify that I actually have these $10k or who is going to guarantee that someone will buy the coins for the assigned value. I could just as well say each coin is worth $10000 and I have a billion coins.
Sometimes you see this crazy stuff at CoinMarketCap where the founders of the coin throw a few hundred thousand dollars at it at some exchange and it has a marketcap value of billions in days due to the amount of coins.
maybe you think, it's easy to create money from dust.
Sometimes you see this crazy stuff at CoinMarketCap where the founders of the coin throw a few hundred thousand dollars at it at some exchange and it has a marketcap value of billions in days due to the amount of coins.
because some regulation is added from their country.