There are various programs available that will provide all the information from the wallet. What you want is an output something like this:
mkey was found @ 45016 : 0xafd8
mkey offset - 72 44944 : 0xaf90
Encrypted mkey: 7784b2306edd18536689f31e0e08f49d02fac009c7298c142c27aaf52a10b984bb578f124cb1ed0 854fe460f16aa9cf4
IV: 02fac009c7298c142c27aaf52a10b984
CT: bb578f124cb1ed0854fe460f16aa9cf4
salt: 1dabf1816b34e175
nDerivations: 62719
encrypted ckey: e8a4f5010e1ccee267592ec9d488db13ea19985ea5e9bffa5262fd0d39fae0c637c338d4df92a57 76709d489c8f03f34
public key : 02ecfa1b5b5d513c136cd5926308ed949debdcb5e1007f66dc53eef2f1c24775cf
public address: 14Xe8m1NwHnpcpdqDZV8psTnKQg2NH2Xgr
encrypted ckey: c6663ccd1d880386f5bfc4e5049dab541c844ec5a12fcf90d34238636e2af97d9aca5dcb6eaa226 e80483b8adc1e8368
public key : 02ec04626fb4c25314c7b82a7b0fa4ef2867ed3b57bc2558c4bba251485a1d2517
public address: 1Jxtg991gSidyd1UMMBM9oE5nR7vCEqCeG
and lots more...
Given the age of the wallet, you need to check all the uncompressed public addresses to see which one holds the funds. Once you know that, IF you have the password, you decrypt the Mkey and use the result to decrypt the associated ckey which is the 'spend' key
Good luck