- Try to create new meaningful topics with high quality. And remember to reply to your thread to keep it active, but do not spam!
- Learn how to use the text formatting functionality to make your post look better and easier to read.
- Reply to topics and read other replies before you comment so you don't repeat what's been said earlier, unless you are adding something to the comment
- Use proper grammar, and try to write ad good English as you can. Check for spelling mistakes and the misuse of singularity.
- Posting relevant comments/topics in hot forums increases your chances of getting merited. If you find a hot coin in example, great posts about that particular coin will increase your chances of getting merited.
And a final advice:
- Do not buy merit points from other users. That will make you risk getting banned.
NB: Merit is a new system and it will probably take time to earn merits. It's not done overnight. Keep using my tip and you will see it increase over time.
Edit: added the suggestion from Jet Cash
I think another advice is to comment on a topic you are knowledgeable about , don't comment on topic you don't know much about it, also comment on other section of the forum, most people make all their post on altcoin discussion for bounty purposes.