I'm searching about to send grin using "File Method", here some step from coingecko to send grin using file method : https://www.coingecko.com/buzz/how-to-use-grin-wallet-to-send-receive-grin-coins
Thanks for letting me know about this. I'll check out their community for any further questions or doubts that may arise. The CoinGecko guide looks pretty straightforward, so I'll be using this to learn how to send GRIN via the "File Method". It's a complicated cryptocurrency to get a hold of, which limits its adoption in the mainstream world. Developers need to make a user-friendly wallet software that anyone can easily use for sending/receiving GRIN payments. It's no wonder why Monero is still the world's most popular privacy coin on the market.
Anyhow, it seems to me that the "HTTP Listener" method of sending/receiving GRIN is much easier to use than the "File Method". It's all a matter of placing the corresponding IP address of a node to send some GRIN coins across the Blockchain. I'm still wrapping my head around all of this since I've been used to the traditional way of sending/receiving payments with crypto via public keys/addresses. There's a steep learning curve for GRIN, but with practice, I'll be able to master it. Once I learn GRIN, I'll give BEAM a try.
All in all, I appreciate your help with this. I'm closing this thread since my problem has already been solved.