You'll orphan your blockchain if mining offline.
I exactly need slow Javascript Bitcoin miner's script
since I would like to watch if nonce is reset by Bitcoin node while looping.
Need to start in off-line mode ( input data from successfully hashed block of transaction)
to verify JS script and implemented sha256 script work smoothly not generating any bug.
Some declare nonce is reset at radom to generate extraNonce
but failed to access official documentation on nonce and extraNonce generated
if nonce range overflows and block hashing is still unsuccessfull ( hash is still above the preset target)
I would like to watch extraNonce charts generated locally
since with Bitcoin nodes supporting 1Th/s cloud miners,
a node can distribute, generate an already hashed block, since hashing is done real-time,
much faster than Bitcoin node lags.
So, in theory, a 1Th/s Bitcoin node can act as the fastest Bitcoin miner, releasing already hashed blocks
to specific hash addresses.
Let me know your opinion.