Original post=> Bahasa indonesia
The first time I bought a hardwhare mikrotik in the marketplace because buying at an online store was more affordable
And finally the goods have come, among them there is a RB750 proxy and an additional TP-link router.
1. Connection of 3 hardwares with LAN cable => Indohome router Port 3 goes to port 1 microtik, port 3/ethernet microtik goes to Lan 1 tp-link (access point) Here:
2. Downloaded mikhmon V3 Here => https://laksa19.github.io/ then I opened Solid Explorer File Manager and copied the file to the front internal in a row of folders, this is free to use anything.
3. Download AWebServer and open the app=>
-Document root filled with mikhmon [2]
-Click start
-The ip address above (click http) will redirect to google chrome to access the proxy, Aweb server must remain on and be directed to log in on the proxy browser.
4. Log in user and password microtik android app connect with internet access points tp-link with the factory default password then log in with the microtik application (data provided by the seller), in the internet detect disable menu clicked sometimes it takes repeated time until it appears like this =
5. Log in to microtik and create groups and users, press ping and if successful continue to connect.
6, Turn off the tp-link router access point password
7. Change the LAN IP on TP-link (network menu) fill in (201 total vouchers that have been printed), subnet mask fill in the default.
8. Done, and the voucher is ready to be distributed to become a commercial tool
The source of the guide is given from youtube => https://youtu.be/1bMUMnUzvXg
And step 7 I got from the chat seller because the youtube tutor seemed to be running around, even though the goal was to ensure the steps. thank you gan for allowing sharing.
Tell me if I have to move to which board? the reason I post the English version and on a board outside my local is because in case anyone makes an outline, because each device and seller (if any) may differ between the softwhare and hardwhare used.