I also tried imgur, but it doesn't work, probably because I have slow internet connection.
so can you guys lead me how to upload pictures in this forum?
since you are already a Jr Member and is able to post images, you should use this
use the tags above and insert the direct link of the picture.
thank you. let me try this. [url]https://postimg.org/image/swfsfgodp/01fdf33c/[/img]
EDIT : It doesn't work. do I type something wrong?
you should use 'img' in the opening instead of 'url' and the link you tried isn't a direct link of the image you want to show us, use this link instead "https://s14.postimg.org/8caygz8mp/Screenshot_2017-03-30-22-24-21.png"
EDIT: It works. thank you.