Starting with the estimate value of the coin, the aim is simply to make a 51% "economically unfeasible".
User above suggests not listing and this can be effective if you're not looking to put your coin on the open market (actually a coin without market is practically safe from 51% attacks if it serves no other purpose).
As value grows, you assume this is because of adoption, recognised use, a more widespread network of nodes. Coins that didn't grow organically are especially susceptible, just read about all the past 51% attacks this year. None gained adoption the way Bitcoin did...
A lot of people are launching these attacks to sabotage the competition and economic gain from the 51% attack alone, is not their primary goal. If you have a lot of hashing power and you can pull off a successful attack on a new Alt coin, then that Alt coin will suffer a public humiliation and it will taint their reputation.
The successful attack might also partly fund the cost of that attack, so it is a WIN/WIN situation for the attacker. There are currently a lot of competition in the Alt coin scene and people will fight dirty to get to the top.