All good comments and an important thing to raise. Bit of a personal post as this is such a critical topic.
The team here have traded stocks and shares, commodities, currency, binaries, we've spread bet and ICO'd and no doubt more. We've trained in technical analysis, fundamentals, charting and applied that to all manner of trades.
It's easy to get drawn in, being at the desk for 7am and spending more and more hours reading the news, twitter, feeds, forums, papers, telegram, etc. Catching the markets opening to assess initial direction, place morning trades, hedging on moves, shorting the bad news, etc. Get to 4pm as the EU and UK markets close, but the US is now trading so assess what's happening there, what reports are coming out, how will it affect the Asian markets when they open on the news. Oh, but we're looking at the 24hr markets so there's never a time to stop...
Then along comes crypto. All the above magnified by 100! The trading opportunity of our generation. Wealth creation where the 'youngsters' and tech savvy have the advantage over big money. Gotta get on it while we can!
It's too easy to get sucked in even where you're not really an addictive type. Hey, you're not weak you're hard working, committed, ready for the grind, happy to put in the work.
But please stop for a moment and let the grey haired one share one piece of wisdom!
Develop a Trading Plan and stick to it.
It will help avoid FOMO trading, emotional panics to market moves and help you hone your approach. No trader in the real world operates without a trading plan. People without a cold, hard, rational trading plan are gambling amateurs.
Please search for 'the importance of a trading plan' and spend an hour reading/watching, then build your plan.These are the trades of my 11yr old son on an IG Spreadbetting demo account - using his
trading plan. Bit of luck, lot of sense. (he's better than me!) he can do it, you certainly can knowing 10 times more than he does and being far more mature.
can succeed at trading. Just don't gamble - trade and invest by executing your trading plan.