My question is simple - should I move my BTC to another private key (private key "B"). Use the (now empty) original (pre fork) private key (private key "A") - to import it to some BCH wallet (Electron Cash) and extract my BCH... to some BCH private key (private key "C") COrrect?
Yes. The best approach would be to move your Bitcoins to a new address (from a different seed) and import the previous wallet (now without any BTC) on Electron Cash. You can keep using the same wallet to only hold your BCH as there is no need to create a C wallet and send your BCH there.
My question is - what private key should i use in any other future fork of bitcoin? The original all-pre-forks "A" private key...? WOnt it be compromised somehow when i use it for extraction of BCH ...? Wont it compromise extraction of future forks somehow?
Or can i use the one original "A" (pre-all-forks) private key to claim any other future (or current) fork of bitcoin?
If you want to be 100% safe, it won't hurt to move your coins to a different wallet and only use your previous one to claim your forked coins.
There will only be a issue if you import your wallet in a infected/fake software - which in this case can steal your Bitcoins pre-fork. That's why people tend to split their coins before using a unknown software to claim other forked coins.