The power of Bitcoin is in mining - not in the number of nodes or users.
BIP 148 have almost no miners -therefore no power. If they want to exclude themselves from the miners’ Blockchain they can do so - like I do every time I turn off my node/wallet before going to sleep ....
The only difference is that in the morning of August 1st, the BIP 148 nodes won’t have much to sync with... maybe one block or two. They will have to wait at least 3 months before their chain mining difficulty is back to 10mins interval - if ever... What would they have gained?
IMHO, BIP148 is commendable, but a lost cause.
It's really interesting that in one thread you can see that this BIP 148 will make the blockchain change forever, and non signalling nodes and mining groups will lose their power and influence, and in another topic you can see that this will not happen at all...
Is there any website (like or similar) where we can keep track of the supporters of this UASF or anything that can help predicting the outcome of this?