No, it is not possible, like others said before.
I have one more remark: you take two random private keys, do a weird operation (“reverse”), calculate public keys from both and you expect to have correlation. It is a mistake from the beginning. You use hexadecimal representation, so you expect that key “abc” has something in common with key “cba”. The same key “12” in hex would be somehow correlated to key “21”. But on other hand, hex 12 is 18 in decimal system, which, if you reverse characters is 81, which is “51” in hex
Also, it's not even a proper "reverse" in hex form. A proper "reverse" of 0x1234 would be 0x4321000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
(And this still gives no relationship between public keys, of course)