Are you using the latest stable version ? (0.12.0) that got released yesterday ? If it's the case then try to unistall everything and install back and use prune mode which will allow you to download 2GB instead of 50GB blockchain . (You won't be a full node though) .
I dont think this solves the problem. Im talking about small amounts of blockchain. How many megabytes are generated in 4 days? cause for 4 days is taking a lot of time already, and I think that is less than 2GB. The solution is to increase actual download speed.
Should be about 560mb if my calculations are correct, if blocks for the past 4 days are consistently at about 900kb-1000kb. The solution is actually to increase the verification efficiency for Bitcoin Core. No matter how fast your internet speed is, your CPU verification speed should be reasonable for the synchronizing time to be good.
I have used the network window to show you the speed of download, I opened Bitcoin Core and I left it running for like 20 minutes to finish syncing, so what you see is 20 minutes of performance, and on those 20 minutes I only downloaded 29mb! very bad, so this confirms that my problem is very bad download speed.
Since you have only 6 hours left, it shouldn't have a huge download volume since the amount of blocks needed to be downloaded is much smaller than that.