
Topic: how to SendCoin using single bitcoin address to multi recipient (Read 1185 times)

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I need to send coins to multiple recipients from single bitcoin address. If i create multiple but individual request to send coin to multiple recipients, i am getting following error.

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" org.bitcoinj.core.Wallet$DustySendRequested
   at org.bitcoinj.core.Wallet.completeTx(
   at org.bitcoinj.core.Wallet.sendCoinsOffline(
   at org.bitcoinj.core.Wallet.sendCoins(
   at org.bitcoinj.core.Wallet.sendCoins(

Here is code snippet:

WalletAppKit kit = new WalletAppKit(...);

                                Kit.WalletListener wListener = new Kit.WalletListener();
                                Float balnc = Float.parseFloat(kit.wallet().getBalance(BalanceType.AVAILABLE).toString());
                                balnc = balnc / 100000000;

                                availableBalance = balnc * Float.parseFloat(usd_v);
                                if (availableBalance > listingItemPrice) {
                                    Wallet.SendResult request = kit.wallet().sendCoins(kit.peerGroup(), sellerAddress, sellerShare);
                                    request = kit.wallet().sendCoins(kit.peerGroup(), sellerReferrerAddress, sellerReferrerShare);
                                    request = kit.wallet().sendCoins(kit.peerGroup(), buyerReferrerAddress, buyerReferrerShare);

Your help would be highly appriciated.
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