ps: it's not the "Admin panel" link, it's the admin panel, so you can re-upload the file again with 'false' instead of 'true' when you need to view/edit something..
You need your $dbpass from config.php. For example dbpassword123456
Your password wich you wanna set. For example password123456
Now we go to the
Set Algorithm: MD5 / crypt(3) /1$1
Input Data: password123456
Salt: Your $dbpass from config.php. For example dbpassword123456
Push Generate button and get your hash. For password password123456 and salt dbpassword123456 its - $1$dbpasswo$MpttPmqOF1Hq6wkSJYFtV0
Now we go to the phpmyadmin of your hosting and find database of your needed faucet then find table 'Faucetinabox_Settings' in field 'name' you need to find 'password' , in field 'value' you need to change your hash to generated hash with your real paramaters if your parameters is salt: dbpassword123456, pass: password123456, then you need set $1$dbpasswo$MpttPmqOF1Hq6wkSJYFtV0 etc.
Or you can go to SQL and send a request : UPDATE `Your_BD_Name`.`Faucetinabox_Settings` SET value = '$1$dbpasswo$MpttPmqOF1Hq6wkSJYFtV0' WHERE name = 'password'
And VUALA! You can use your password with faucetbox admin panel.
P.S. Don't forget chage Your_BD_Name and $1$dbpasswo$MpttPmqOF1Hq6wkSJYFtV0 , password and salt to real values! All green thing it's example!
Thank you captain! Is that what we are talking about
It would be better for you in order not to waste time to ask similar questions on the official topic of faucetbox:;topicseen
Have fun
Official topic is a "little mess", sometimes it's hard to find what you want in 136 pages.. And this topic will be easy to find at google