My boss wants me(I am a absolute BTC-novice too:-) to show him how a Bitcoin-transaction does work...
Since he is not yet ready to install a wallet-software on this phone, my idea is, to install a second wallet
on my smart-phone, in order to be able to send some funds between my two different wallets.
My questions:
Is that technically possible?
Is that a good idea, or are there not more creative scenarions to show him some basic stuff?
Thank you very much in advance for every feedback!
Hi Jie, submicroscopic you are a novice and know nothing about it why don't you yave an expert talk to your boss about it or why don't you get yo understand it first before introducing him because I feel what we tell you here might not be enough because your boss might come up with Rollie up questions which you might find yourself wanting so just think over thus and advice yourself accordingly.