I have an 850W powering 2 5970s, 3 out of the 4 cores are overclocked, ones just too hot.
If my electric is billed at $0.117 KW/Hour I can find my monthly electric cost by .85 X .117 X 24 X 30 = 71.6
My KW, X electric cost, X hours in a day, X days in a month.
But if I move up to a 1250PSU I can theoretically OC more and get more use from everything, currently my computer freezes at an OC or 900/1000, but are stable at 800/1000.
I am not sure if any additional OC I can do with a 1250W is worth paying $105.3 a month.
Can an increase to a 1250 PSU from a 850 PSU generate enough OC ability to make up for $35/mo in electric?
Any thoughts?
Only if your OC limit is due to insufficient power manifesting as voltage instability or drops that causes the overclock to fail.
If the issue is with heat or just a lousy batch of GPU, upgrading your PSU won't help.
Lastly, a 850W PSU does not use 850W of power, neither does a 1250W PSU use 1250W of power. They just use whatever is needed by your system / efficiency of their design. So if they are equally efficient, they will use almost the same amount of electricity, with the 1250W actually using a bit LESS.