Hey Guys,
I am a programmer and 2 months old a crypto investor
After few weeks I realized, I got a mess with different cryptos in different stocks (local wallets, online wallets exchange accounts etc.).
So I decided to create a small service
CoinBalance.org. It keeps all my balances of all assets I own in one place.
My goals were to add my addresses (public wallets) somewhere, track their balances and combine or summarize. Moreover, it would be nce to automatically grab balance from a specific blockchain network, if available (just to reduce my time, i am lazy). Almost all popular currencies support public APIs.
Even moreover, we all have accounts in the crypt exchanges (Kraken, Coinbase, Bittrex, Poloniex etc). These guys do not return your public wallets, but what they do - they provide APIs. So why not to use it?
Soo! I just made a cool site for myself, there you can add all your cryptoassets and track your ROI (return of investments). Oh, if you don't belong to these cryptonerds (I mean miners, I really envy you guys
) and as I you bought coins on market, you kinda made an investment (in USD, EUR or whatever currenciy), CoinBalance will help you to track your ROI.
Coinbalance will group allyour wallets and accounts from different sources, all your investments (even if you made the investmens with different currencies, e.g.). It also track and show Coins market status for 1 hour, 24 hours and 7 days.
The service is totally
free. I made it for myself, but later people told me I need to share it with community, so I do this.
Yes, I know there are similar tools, but all of them are very complicated with charts and data. I wanted to have something like 'what i spent and what I have now'.
Here is a pic of the site example
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/vCtBsu19ASLPaT-n-pvPChhGyO-DERBScVM06qu_5M0odLq3bBTQ5Du7D06cG_EuBBnWaSOTvw=w640-h400-e365Right now I am working on Android Widget app. So you will get a ROI percent directly on your phone (as a widget).
Chrome extention is already here, if you need it.
It supports almost all popular currencies (including BCH).
Supported Exchanges with public APIs
- Poloniex
- Kraken
- Bittrex
- Coinbase
- BitMEX
- Kraken
- YObit
- Coincheck
- HitBTC
All you need is to create an account and add your balances and incitements (if you have any). you may use local registration, facebook or gmail.
If you are paranoid you can register in CoinBalance with a fake mail (
[email protected])? no issues here. The site does not require any confirmations etc.
I will be happy if you share your thoughts and ideas or even critic.