ref: -I HEXPRIVKEY incremental private key cracking mode, starting
at HEXPRIVKEY (supports -n) FAST
-k K skip the first K lines of input
-n K/N use only the Kth of every N input lines
-B batch size for affine transformations
must be a power of 2 (default/max: 4096)
-w WINDOW_SIZE window size for ecmult table (default: 16)
uses about 3 * 2^w KiB memory on startup, but
only about 2^w KiB once the table is built
-I is where do you start
-k is first skip K lines when you start, use a different 'k' for each instance process, or you can do as advised here -n 1/N
Read the article on wiki 'baby-step giant step' about how to do discrete log cracking of btc, as this is essentially what your doing, each process is a giant step, and then each process does its own baby step, the reason NO to use one is that MERSENE PRIMES are better for incrementing, and the base -I its best to do a statisical analysis of what your trying to crack, .e.g. d=SQRT(r), where are is public-key, is first best guess of the private-key
The author 'ryan' of brainflayer doesn't help people cuz he doesn't want morons to crack btc, thus he keep this tool in obscurity, that said, you can run -I forever and never get a hit, for instance, if you first have to have a BLF file of good high value hex-160 addresses, then you need to have BIN file to kick out the false-postives; Just running BF in brute-force mode will heat your house and nothing more
The question here is how to use the muli-process, how ryan set up the multi was to use the baby-step/giant-step paradigm and have a bash-shell fire up BF client's as needed, one problem with -I is that it run's forever, thus if you serious you need to hack BF ( brainflayer ) I have dozens of versions running, and for the -I I have a -S ( stop N ) that tells BF to stop otherwise you can over-run your giant steps and waste cpu power,
Feel free to ask questions i have spent about six months hacking BF
IMHO BF is not useful for brute-force, where its useful is generating private-key/seed pairs for all the crypt-algos and then build a HUGE database of hash160/private-key pairs, then watch memory-pool on BTC, and when a user uses an address(hash160) and if you have that private-key ( you should if you have say 200 million hash160/pk pairs), then you own that btc
Just willy nilly run bf on -I tells you next to nothing and let's say you have the pristine.hex list, that's say 40k but that means your odd's of a hit are one in 1/10e77, as likely to find a fly some where in the universe, thus first step is to cultivate all h160's ( addresses) you can find say 500 million, and then use hash-cat to generate a 500 gb uniq rainb0w and use BF to generate the h160/pk pairs, now you will have increased the odds of finding a hit,
In summary just running BF in -I mode given odd's are 1/10e77 are a complete waste of time,
Before one can really use BF one must spend months building databases of address/h160's, and hi-values,
It's almost not worth spending time trying to crack the pristine ( satoshi coin ) as it hasn't been to done to date, thus not likely, I have tried 6+ months and have not cracked
What you can crack is newbies that are not using high-entropy seeds for private-key, with your database and if your fast you can nab those, but bare in mind there are 100's of bots doing the same
Thanks for the detailed info.,
i have built dedicated box just for this.
cron job every 6 hours, parses new blocks.
having + amount addresses, creates new blf and bin file and rotates it .
my php script then
calculates random int (using my logic)
check if its in range .
start brainflayer with -I mode using this hex, gets its PID
sleep 10 seconds
kill this process.,
do above all steps continuously. with new hex number evey time. its been up 1 month and didnt find anything.
i have tried the password bruteforce method , but it also didnt gave much success.,
i like incremental thingy coz you never know when you are gonna hit a gem., coz its all random.
i have couple of questions.,
1) what is ecmult table and how can i create it and how it can benefit my cause ?
as every time killing running brainflayer process and starting new takes around 1-4 seconds.,
2) is there something like centralised blf file in memory loaded so spawinig brainflayer will be really faster., as for each instance, it first loads it in memory and then start -I counter from there.
Thanks , i really appreciate your input.