Serious advice: stay away from bitcoins, servers connected to the internet, and computers in general.
The "I don't know shit but I want to do it anyway" attitude will most likely cost you dearly.
If you want to use a linux server for anything remotely valuable you absolutely need to know what you're doing. If you don't know it already, now is the right time to start learning - read tutorials on using commandline tools such as nano or vim, learn how to reduce the services on a computer to the absolute minimum needed for it to work, learn how to harden ssh access etc.
BTW, using graphical tools with a server on the internet isn't that hard if your desktop machine also runs linux. Call ssh with the '-X' parameter and then you can use graphical programs such as gedit or kate. Performance is quite a bit slower than when you use them locally, but still bearable.
Onkel Paul