My question is, unlike today when coins are initially pre-mined and then distributed through ICO, how was Bitcoin initially distributed?
I know about mining and I am aware of the fact that mining reward was 50 BTC initially which is the good way to distribute the supply but what actually miners were mining in the start? Who were doing the transactions? How does the initial ones get the Bitcoins in their wallet?
blocks do not need to contain transactions. so initially people were mining bitcoin with thier home computers CPU at a low hashrate that didnt put much stress on thier computer. the blocks a pc would create was mostly empty of user transactions and only had the block coin reward. after a few weeks people just made transactions to themself or others just for the sake of debugging bitcoin code to make sure it worked. take the transaction from satoshi to hal finney. hal wasnt treating what he received as a 'payment' or income. it was just a proof of concept/function test.
this happened alot, people were accumulating coin but not actually 'spending' them for value. just using them for debugging tests. the first value spend transaction was where someone[initially] jokingly wanted to get some pizza and was just saying how many coins someone would get for the favour. . someone else accepted the challenge. and that made the history of whats now known as 'bitcoin pizza' this set a precedent of 10,000btc for ~$30 of pizza = 1btc=$0.0003 and soon people started to think of making exchanges and price monitors to allow for trading it for value.
the main valuation(not price) was based on how much time/electric wastage it took someone to get a block reward of 50btc. with dozons of people mining. not everyone was getting rewards or not getting them often so instead of mining for 2 weeks just for 50btc some thought, well thats 70 cents of electric it would have cost. so thats 1btc for more than 1 cent if i mined it. so ill make an offer to buy bitcoin
people started wanting to sell stuff for bitcoin. such as alpaca socks and other small gimmicky stuff
(the first big fame usage of coins was to trade value for illegal stuff. where people diidnt want their credit cards directly associated with the items they got(but i wont drag up bitcoins darker part of history. lets just leave that in the past))
when things transitioned to GPU mining. costs of mining went up. with more people involved but still only the ~6 blocks an hour meant there wasnt enough reward for everyone to get a reward regularly. so with higher cost to mine and less chance of a success. buying the coin was cheaper than mining it. .. and this continued to rise and rise. and with people wanting to get coin to buy certain things. buying it seemed easier, faster and cheaper than mining it.
and there we go. natural economic evolution at its best. the rest is history