100 of millions of chinese ... sacrificed their children to the one kid policy. ...
It is a very interesting question that blends a few significant nightmares.
China's one child policy was basically Chinese leaders trusting in the academic sociology of some Western science that should have been rejected by all sides.
At this point a person can only wait for all of the various things that were sown in that to sprout. The only thing that is certain is that it won't be good things.
No, it wasn't westerners imported, there was simply no other option.
Bit now, if you can feel this energy, you know that those who will stsnd unjustly against it will simply vanish from existence.
I acutally believe it is the strongest force on earth.
Imagine how devastating a suicide bombing would be for the Chinese, they'd be pretty much left childless. I remember seeing in the news years ago when a school collapsed during an earthquake. All the heartbroken parents complaining they'll never be able to have children again because of their age....
China doesn't need to care about a demographic explosion. Within their huge population they still have almost unlimited and unrealized potential of economic growth. I shudder to think how will Chinese world domination look like after we've already seen how the US - a nation 4 times smaller toyed with the world for the past 70 years. Maybe at least they'll rid us of Islamic fundamentalism.
Not really. They have a graying population and they've already repealed the one-child policy to encourage people to have more kids but so far the couples are still not excited...
If you believe that the standards are high in manifacuring... you have seen nothing yet.
100 of millions of chinese ... sacrificed their children to the one kid policy. ...
It is a very interesting question that blends a few significant nightmares.
China's one child policy was basically Chinese leaders trusting in the academic sociology of some Western science that should have been rejected by all sides.
Population control is needed all over the world, especially in over populated countries such as China and India. There are some negatives. But they should be ignored thinking about the greater good.
And a world gov pumper... good luck imposing anything on china. Clean your house first.