One of bitcoin's earliest contributors has now written off bitcoin as a failed experiment.
So it helps to remember that the important question this year is not necessarily how bitcoin is scaled, but whether it is allowed to scale without a dogfight.
There are currently only four ways to scale bitcoin today: via lightning networks, via sidechains, via off-blockchain transactions batched by third parties (eg: Coinbase), or by increasing the block-size.
Lightning networks and sidechains aren't yet ready for prime time, and most technologists would agree that increasing the clout of third-party transaction processors goes against bitcoin's intended design. No offense to the segregated witness enthusiasts, but that doesn’t sound like a true scaling solution either – more like an optimization.
This means that by mid-2016, we'll either see a stop-gap resolution to increase the block-size, a hard fork, or a spike in bitcoin transaction fees for smaller transactions. All have their associated risks.
So here’s my question: will the Bitcoin Core block-size limit increase or remain at 1MB?
CC end-game will look like nothing we have today, I suggest you re-read the original NSA 1996 white-paper on BITCOIN to get a clear view of the desired outcome of this project.
Take a hard look at the current BTC ( satoshi 2009 ) and the original, mostly whats missing is 'REAL-ID',
Scalability will be solved by the +2,000 alt-coins one of them will win, IMHO I would watch closely what Microsoft & Google release for this problem,
BTC will become a legacy bank for the rich, and not be used by poor ppl, even in CHINA today BTC is called the "Currency of the Gods"