Dont try to compete, you cant. You will lose money.
Want BTC? Buy some. Best advice you will get.
Do you "mining is bad don't mine buy bitcoin instead" zombies even read these threads? The guy is saying he already owns the chips! lol
Do you even read these threads? The Black Arrow ASICs are not even made yet so he cannot own the chips! LOL
so... Scam site?? lol
Back to the question...
You will need the following to use these ICs
1) A board that is set to connect each IC to either USB ( using mining software on a pc/PI/Router/whatever to connect to a mining pool ) OR Ethernet and associated weirdness to have a web page to set the settings for mining.
2) access to the components to support the IC to do the connections to get/send the actual mining. All should be surface mount.
3) reflow workstation or equivalent to put the parts on the board ( chec for info on surface mount reflow on the cheap )
4) patience to track down what let the smoke out of parts when things go horribly wrong ( and they usually do for the first few iterations )
The ASICs on their own do nothing, they need a circuit to connect it to a chip ( PIC16f or higher or some other 16 bit IC to also connect to either USB or Ethernet ) so that the controller IC sends specific info as predefined packets of info to the ASIC ( check the data sheet for more info on what/how this is done and what lines need caps to ground/power to lower line noise ). Almost all ASICs do NOT RUN ON 5V and need to have that dropped down to it's ' working voltage ' with some kind of regulator ( google overclock AntMiner as a good primer on power and overclocking an ASIC then check the hackaday link on overclocking a Block Erupter for more info ). You will NEED SOME kind of Heat Sink and fan to remove excess heat from the mining with the ASIC and it is NORMAL for them to be warm/hot to the touch due to the shear transistor count doing actions. Assuming you got a cheap Block erupter, removed it's ASIC and hot wired yours to it, the clock rate could still be too low or too high to actually mine with it.
There are more steps involved from going from buying a raw ASIC and mining than what that paragraph mentions, they will be discovered while going through all of that. I wish you the best of luck with it.
If this was helpful, feel free to donate some small fraction of BTC
Message me if you would rather donate mining time