what means this word "share"?
kidding aside i tend to agree with steve_rogers: education is the best way for people to improve their lives and that of their family.
i would probably set up a lot of higher education grants for those who can afford it the least. some at physical universities, some virtual.
i would also invest heavily in to research (mainly medical but unsure on that), probably through university grants. better medicines and treatments will help everyone. well, more or less, as healthcare standards, costs and such vary widely around the world.
This only affects people who want to learn. Not everyone has the capacity, capability or time to learn. Really what you are doing is creating a fund which will likely be abused by rich and poor. The only way to distribute wealth is on an individual basis. You can't just create a generalized fund which is can be used by a specific group or nationality or whatever.
This has been tried and tested and people will find loop holes or ways of abusing the system. Medicial research wouldn't likely affect everyone either. You are assuming that this newly found medical discoveries will be available to everyone. It would be best in my opinion to set up a system much like the NHS and other medical systems throughout the world which offer free medical care.
None of this bullshit of having to pay for medical care.
I think that the future means that a few revolutions are going to happen. The best way I could spend my money is not by sharing it as such, but creating a framework in which everyone can benefit from progress, working less in things they don´t like and more in the things that are purely human, such as arts, creativity, innovation, etc...
The greatest wealth is your own time.
Depending on what you are visualizing here I think this falls into the same traps of the other members generalized approach. Frameworks or grants or something which covers a wide group of people in theory sounds great. But a lot of people who don't really need it will likely abuse it and you only have a limited wealth. The best approach would to actively seek out who needs it the most or something along those lines. After all "With great wealth comes great responsibility" - Bill Gates