In any case, the ring signature used to construct the CT range proof is just the AOS scheme when not used with any AND, so thats implement in secp256k1-zkp.
To avoid the proof size-- you're off in snark land-- e.g. the statement you prove "I know a private key for an adequate coin belonging to a utxo set with this hashroot". I previously suggested a scheme that lets you avoid doing 99% of the EC math inside a snark, so this could get a small under 400 byte proof and be implementable. I think it was in a forum post... I'll have to look. But the basic process have the snark instead prove "Pubkey P is a blinding of a pubkey that is member of this tree", and then you also prove you know P's discrete log externally to the snark. The verification of the blinding can be done with a single point addition in the prover.
A CDS ring signature works just as well, but obviously it would only be functional for currencies like Monero where the pubkeys are published instead of the pubkey hashes.