Thank you Pooya. This is fantastic!
Could you clarify a few things if you don't mind?
1. choose a tool that can be trusted to create the key safely. any popular wallet that has an export option is excellent for this. this choice depends on step 0 since not all tools can create mnemonics, for example bitcoin core (only private keys) or Electrum (both private keys and mnemonic).
Any recommendations if I want to go the mnemonics route? And what exactly is an "export option"?
2. choose an encryption tool and learn how to use it correctly. this must be an open source tool that is capable of strong encryption using AES. if your step 0 choice is to use a single private key you can choose a tool that supports BIP38 encryption and skip this step.
And if I'm doing mnemonics....Recommendations? Also, what is an encryption tool?
3. build your step 1 choice from source or download the binaries and verify its signature.
OK, I'm going to need this in layman's terms..."build"? How? Download the binaries? I'm guessing this is not a download an app and install type of deal.
4. download a Linux distribution and verify its signature.
I do have a Xubuntu Live USB. How do I verify it's signature?
5. burn the Linux OS on a DVD, disconnect your network and boot up that DVD.
I'm guessing a USB would suffice, correct? Also, do I need persistance or not?
6. run the result (the "tool") of step 4 in that live OS, create a new wallet export the key/mnemonic
I'm afraid I'll need a little bit more detail on this part. I'm not sure what "run the result" means. As well as "create a new wallet export the key/mnemonic"
7. encrypt the result of step 6 with the tool chosen in step 2
I'm guessung this tool encrypts the key? Is the result of step 6 the key?
8. print the encrypted result. create backups and write down the password separately in another secure place.
So it's not the key?
Create a backup...of the paper? Like make a xerox copy?
Write down the password... So is it not encrypted? What did we encrypt then?
10. (important step) reboot the same DVD and try to recover the key you just created using your password and see if you can get the same address (this makes sure you have written things down correctly).
So persistence...necessary or not?
if step 0 choice was a mnemonic you can send some coins to the first address and spend it using an offline/online combination of master private key (on offline backup) and master public key (on the online machine) to also test spending.
How is that done exactly?
Again, thank you for the help!