Two months ago, while developing my webpage about mempool statistics, I found that there was a huge dependency graph having more than 700 transactions in (my) mempool.
I could capture some minor examples having around 470 transactions (see below)
Of course no mempool rule is broken, i.e. max mempool ancestors for a transaction, but I'm wondering about what can be doing this kind of dependency graphs.
I posted a question about it in bitcoin.stackexchange without luck: best answer given to me by was that maybe there was an agent running out of utxos in its wallet, and then started using its non-confirmed utxos in the mempool, forming the dependency graphs.
If that is the case, the graphs seemed not having a structure to minimize its depth for not exceeding the max transactions ancestors rule in the mempool (i.e. a tree), and seemed pretty unstructured?. (but investigating about the best strategy in this case and recognize its visual shape is something I haven't done. Take that with a grain of salt)
So although the former answer is the most plausible, I feel it is worthy to share this with you.
What can be creating these dependency graphs?
Are they worthy to investigate or has been investigated before?
Captured transaction graphs: .json are offered by the backend of my web page you can call it here:{txIdHere} to obtain a transaction statistics currently in mempool.
See txDependenciesInfo.nodes and txDependenciesInfo.edges data to obtain the dependency info (if any) for queried transaction.
You can visually see the transactions graphs currently in (my) mempool here:
These graphs can be linear: forming a long chain of dependencies, or non linear: forming a Direct Acyclic Graph.
When clicked on the number of transactions on a graph, a list of the transactions ids contained in that graph is shown. You can go to the graph by clicking any of these transactions id. The result is shown in the main page along with its position in the mining queue (from my node's perspective) and other useful data.
To avoid the annoying constant refreshing please check "lock mempool" in the upper right corner.
Be aware that I currently don't have any historic section of dependencies graphs or something like that in the webpage. The results show are in real time, so if mempool is almost empty maybe no graphs or very small ones are shown.
Note that the following graphs are minor examples compared to the huge ones I'm talking about. (sorry, I didn't take a screenshot for them, only the .json returned by my backend) Points: This webpage has other sections discussed in and also here that may be of interest to you. I'd be glad receiving feedback.