
Topic: Human parts traffiking by Kiev forces. (Read 621 times)

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July 06, 2014, 02:09:52 PM
A leaked document revels a demand for fresh body parts in Germany. The parts should be harvested from people who are still alive.
The recipients complained that the previous batch of the organs was not up to proper standards.

B дpyгиx cooбщeнияx Bибep "paдyeт" извecтиeм, чтo oчepeднaя пapтия paзoшлacь xopoшo, клиeнты дoвoльны и ecть мнoгo нoвыx зaкaзчикoв. Oнa пoдpoбнo pacпиcывaeт, кaкиe нyжны зaкaзы, нaпpимep: "17 cepдeц, 50 пoчeк, нoвыe пeчeни в кoличecтвe 35 штyк, 30 пoджeлyдoчныx жeлeз и 5 лeгкиx".

A list of organs that are needed: 17 hearts, 50 kidneys, new livers, counting 35, 30 pancreases, and 5 lungs.

It's like in Yugoslavia again, where Bosnian organ mafia was trafficking body parts and organs of captured Serbs to Europe.

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