
Topic: hunger in Venezuela, spendenaktion (Read 464 times)

full member
Activity: 684
Merit: 173
February 11, 2018, 03:49:39 AM
Das ist ja allerehrenwert, aber macht es denn Sinn, wenn er in Venezuela einkaufen geht? Wenn es zu wenig Lebensmittel gibt, kauft er nicht einfach anderen mit seinem "Reichtum" die Lebensmittel vor der Nase weg? Wäre es nicht besser, an Hilfsorganisationen zu spenden, die Nahrungsmittel ins Land schaffen?
sr. member
Activity: 477
Merit: 259
February 03, 2018, 08:58:13 AM
Grundsätzlich eine gute Sache und das Leid der Bevölkerung in Venezuela ist mit Sicherheit groß. Nur habe ich bei der Aktion deutliche Bedenken wegen der Legitimität, da überhaupt nicht nachprüfbar ist, was mit dem Geld passiert. Kann auch sein, dass es teilweise ehrlich ist, nur mit dem Schönheitsfehler, dass ausschließlich Freunde und Verwandte des Spendensammlers profitieren...

Davon abgesehen dürfte eine nachhaltige Linderung der humanitären Lage in Venezuela nur durch eine Beseitigung der Maduro-Diktatur möglich sein.
Activity: 2016
Merit: 1360
February 02, 2018, 04:00:43 AM
Venezuela ist ein Staat mit gewaltigen Erdölvorkommen und hohem Einkommen. Die leidende Bevölkerung ist der Staatsführung anzulasten nicht dem fehlenden Geld.

Dorthin Geld zu Spenden, wird ganz sicher keinem von denen helfen die Hilfe brauchen. Die Menschen dort brauchen eine andere Regierung. Und die bekommt man nicht mit Geld...ausser ihr Kennt ein paar gute Söldner die ihre euch leisten könnt.

Das mit dem hohen Einkommen sei mal dahingestellt. Eine Wirtschaft, welche mittlerweile fast vollkommen vom Öl abhängig ist, muß nämlich auch reibungslos funktionieren. Und das ist in Venezuela nicht mehr der Fall. Die Staatsanleihen haben in den letzten Jahren über 2/3 ihres Wertes verloren, worin sich auch zunehmende Zahlungsausfälle des staatlichen Ölkonzerns wiederspiegeln. Die Abhängigkeit des Staates vom int. Ölpreis, die Daten zur Inflation et cetera kennen wir ja.

Nun hast du recht in einer Sache. Es muß eine neue Regierung her. Ende April sind die Wahlen, vielleicht schafft es Mendoza tatsächlich, sich als Gegenkandidat aufstellen zu lassen und macht das Rennen. Bis dahin aber gehen weiterhin zigtausend Menschen über die Grenzen auf der Suche nach Lebensmitteln, bis dahin wird vielleicht weiterhin geplündert und geraubt usw.

Deshalb sind solche Aktionen wie diese auch nicht zielführend, aber für einige Menschen doch ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein und für Notleidende relevant.

Ich schreibe das natürlich in der Annahme und Hoffnung, dass es sich bei dieser Aktion nicht um Betrug handelt.
Activity: 1882
Merit: 1108
February 02, 2018, 02:49:31 AM
Venezuela ist ein Staat mit gewaltigen Erdölvorkommen und hohem Einkommen. Die leidende Bevölkerung ist der Staatsführung anzulasten nicht dem fehlenden Geld.

Dorthin Geld zu Spenden, wird ganz sicher keinem von denen helfen die Hilfe brauchen. Die Menschen dort brauchen eine andere Regierung. Und die bekommt man nicht mit Geld...ausser ihr Kennt ein paar gute Söldner die ihre euch leisten könnt.
full member
Activity: 1179
Merit: 210
only hodl what you understand and love!
January 31, 2018, 07:47:09 AM
Salve 600watt,

bin dabei  Grin
Activity: 2338
Merit: 2106
December 01, 2017, 10:23:25 AM
Ich bleibe dabei:
Ganz ehrlich, es gibt tausende und abertausende Projekte "da draußen", die finanzielle Unterstützung brauchen. Da dürfen wir auch ein wenig "picky" sein Wink
Solange ich mir nicht wirklich sicher bin, dass es sich bei dieser Venezuela-Sache nicht um Scam handelt, wär ich nicht bereit, da erhebliche Summen zu spenden. Mal ein paar hundert hier oder da, so wie du es machst, sind vielleicht noch vertretbar. Spätestens beim Einsammeln von Spenden einer größeren Gruppe sehe ich den Sammler aber in der Verantwortung, die Legitimität der Spendenaktion zu gewährleisten.

Ich habe wirklich eine Menge Aktionen auf dem Schirm, denen ich in nächster Zeit Spenden zukommen lassen möchte, aber in diesem Fall sage ich vorsichtshalber mal vorläufig "Nein", sorry. Sad

das so zu sehen ist doch vollkommen legitim und dafür ist kein "sorry" notwendig.  Smiley ich sehe es ähnlich wie du. mich hat das sehr bewegt, also dachte ich, es sei ein gutes nachfolge projekt. aber dann kamen mir auch Zweifel. das eignet sich für kleinere direkte spenden.

Activity: 3542
Merit: 3413
Shitcoin Minimalist
December 01, 2017, 08:44:15 AM
Ich bleibe dabei:
Ganz ehrlich, es gibt tausende und abertausende Projekte "da draußen", die finanzielle Unterstützung brauchen. Da dürfen wir auch ein wenig "picky" sein Wink
Solange ich mir nicht wirklich sicher bin, dass es sich bei dieser Venezuela-Sache nicht um Scam handelt, wär ich nicht bereit, da erhebliche Summen zu spenden. Mal ein paar hundert hier oder da, so wie du es machst, sind vielleicht noch vertretbar. Spätestens beim Einsammeln von Spenden einer größeren Gruppe sehe ich den Sammler aber in der Verantwortung, die Legitimität der Spendenaktion zu gewährleisten.

Ich habe wirklich eine Menge Aktionen auf dem Schirm, denen ich in nächster Zeit Spenden zukommen lassen möchte, aber in diesem Fall sage ich vorsichtshalber mal vorläufig "Nein", sorry. Sad
Activity: 126
Merit: 10
Leben und Leben lassen
December 01, 2017, 07:23:14 AM
Die Gefahr ist in Venezuela natürlich groß, dass es sich auch um SCAM handeln kann. Die stehen mit dem Rücken zur Wand und es zählt das Recht des Stärkeren. Grundsätzlich finde ich die Idee aber großartig, den Leuten vor Ort unmittelbar mit Nahrungsmitteln zu helfen.

Wahrscheinlich ist es aber genauso weise von Dir, monatlich nur kleinere Beträge zu spenden. Dies wird vermutlich schnell verbraucht sein und sollte "randomizerdude" von den örtlichen Behörden tatsächlich verhaftet werden, würde die Spende nicht im venezuelanischen Nirvana verschwinden. Wahrscheinlich ist es betragsmäßig eher der Tropfen auf den heissen Stein, aber schon mal besser als nichts.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 2106
November 30, 2017, 03:59:55 PM
über diesen post bin ich auf die Sache aufmerksam geworden:

(...)Yesterday we gave food to 10 people at lunch time, and 15 at dinner time, today we gave food to 15 people at lunch time, i just got back and took my camera with me today. To be honest it was really hard for me to do it (take pictures of them while i gave them food), and they looked really awkward as i was doing it too, just like i expected, they don't want to be pictured in such conditions.
Many were really thankful to us, others were thankful to god, others didn't speak much but were rather lost in their mind. Two persons today were the ones that touched me the most.(...)

wenn es wahr ist, dann brauchen diese menschen Hilfe und dann wäre es legitim zu spenden und ihn zu unterstützen.

ich kann meine hand aber nicht dafür ins feuer legen. daher kann ich hier auch nicht vollgas geben und euch auffordern hier mitzumachen. (mein ziel war es eigentlich unsere erste spendenaktion zu übertreffen. da waren wir aber auch erst auf 10k €... )

es muss jeder für sich entscheiden, ob er der sache vertraut. ich werde ihm weiterhin ca. 500 - 1000 € pro Monat spenden*, damit er weiter essen kaufen kann. bei dieser spendenaktion sammele ich ja auch kein geld ein, man kann ihm ja direkt spenden. es dürfte auch möglich sein ihn via reddit zu kontaktieren. sein username ist randomizerdude bei reddit.

*natürlich von meinem eigenen geld.

Activity: 2338
Merit: 2106
November 30, 2017, 03:46:17 PM
ich bin mir nicht sicher ob das authentisch ist. was mich verunsichert hat, war z.b. dass er nicht wollte, dass ich nach Venezuela fliege um ihn zu besuchen
was meint ihr? legit?
Sieht für mich ein wenig "fishy" aus.
Ich bin eigentlich grundsätzlich dagegen, an Organisationen zu spenden, bei denen sich die Verantwortlichen nicht eindeutig zu erkennen geben.
Zumindest nach meiner Auffassung dürfte es dafür auch in Venezuela nicht wirklich stichhaltige Gründe geben.

Ganz ehrlich, es gibt tausende und abertausende Projekte "da draußen", die finanzielle Unterstützung brauchen. Da dürfen wir auch ein wenig "picky" sein Wink

das ist keine organisation. randomizerdude hat via reddit mit kleinstspenden gesammelt und kauft selbst essen und läuft dann durch die Strassen und verteilt die essensrationen persönlich an die hungernden. direkter kann man aus der ferne nicht helfen, als über solche engagierten Leute. das geld wird in essen verwandelt und die Leute essen es direkt.

damit die spender sehen, das das auch umgesetzt wird, hat er fotos gemacht mit den essensrationen und den Namen der spender. ich hab ihn angeschrieben und ermutigt eine website zu erstellen, damit ich besser spenden sammeln kann.

venezuela taumelt zwischen failed state und bürgerkrieg. dort geht alles den bach ab. die armen hungern. richtige katastrophe. der typ ist 25 und IT-ler, das ist ne one-man-show, bei der ihm sein kumpel manchmal hilft.
eindeutig identifizierbar wäre gefährlich, denn die wahrheit über die katastrophalen humanitären zustände wird von der regierung unterdrückt, und wer dagegen aufmuckt ist schnell im knast. in einem südamerikanischen knast, wohlgemerkt, das ist nicht zu vergleichen mit europäischen standards.

wenn das, was er schreibt, wahr ist, dann würde unser spendengeld direkt in essen für hungernde investiert (wohlgemerkt NUR neue spenden, bei einer neuen spenden- aktion. das bisher gespendete geld ist ja zweckgebunden an kinder hier.)

problematischerweise könnte es auch ein sehr elaborierter scam sein. daher dachte ich es sein eine gute Idee hinzufliegen. da schreibt er aber, das sei lebensgefährlich. das würde bedeuten die situation vor ort ist noch schlimmer als angenommen.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 2106
November 30, 2017, 03:36:33 PM

die website hat der venezolaner und reddit user "randomizerdude" erstellt, der auch das hilfsprojekt leitet.

ich werde seine korrespondenz mit mir hier posten. wir müssen erst prüfen, ob das alles seriös ist. ich war erst total begeistert und auch sehr berührt, aber irgendwann auch mal skeptisch.

hier die ersten auszüge unserer korrespondenz. ich hatte auf reddit mitbekommen, was er macht und ihn ermutigt eine website zu erstellen, damit man eine spendenaktion machen kann.

von randomizerdude über /r/Bitcoin gesendet um vor 1 Monat
Zeige Übergeordneten
yes, it used to be that i was somewhere outside and people would come to me and beg me for food, and i would give them, or that i would see someone scavenging on the trash and i would go buy that person food, but for a few days now i have been actively going out and giving food to the homeless 2 times each day(it is hard and tricky because for example some people ask you for food but instead of eating it they sell it and buy drugs with the money.. also some kids are taught to ask for food and same thing, parents sell this food and buy drugs, meanwhile their kids are really starving... so i ask kids to eat the food where i can see them eating it, it is a small number of people that do this, but it is hard as the food is limited i need to make sure it is going to those that need it the most and not to people that will do fucked up shit with it)... i have posted proof previously, i don't feel comfortable taking pictures while doing this as i feel i'm disrespecting this people, they also get kinda uncomfortable but almost always say yes to pictures right away, sometimes they tell me they are not dressed properly and things like that meaning they don't want to but don't want to say no to me either, anyway it is kinda painful for me to do that.
Here are some pictures i have taken, some show usernames (from guys that have donated a bit previously) on them for proof that it is me, this

von randomizerdude über /r/Bitcoin gesendet um vor 1 Monat
Zeige Übergeordneten
Thank you for being kind!
Yes i definitely could set up a website that displays all the information on whats being done, and what contributions go towards, with pictures or videos that go with them.
We noticed that a lot of the old people also ask us if we could help them with other things, one man in a wheelchair asked us if it was possible for us to get him a new one because his was old and broken, we can't really afford one for him right now but we also worry that if we did give him one some bad guys could go after him when he is alone, push him out of it and steal it. Others ask us for clean clothes which we can provide from other people donations of clothes that dont use anymore, like i have given all the pieces of clothes and shoes that i dont use, others ask for pillows, mattresses... medicine...
Maybe we could record interviews as well and add subtitles, these peoples stories are really touching and incredibly sad, i also believe they want to be heard, all of the ones we have spoken with tell us how they used to be hard working, had a house, had everything they wanted but then suddenly they couldn't afford anything and lost what they already had for one reason or the other, be it that they had to sell everything they had to pay for a medical bill, or something like one old man that told us his sons sold his house and everything he had and left him on the streets.

von randomizerdude gesendet vor 29 Tagen
alright, thanks! I'll do it that way, i'd like to do more than just food and clothing, but it is quite hard and not only because of the money, for example one old man asked us for a new wheel chair, that would be about a $100 expense but we are worried that if we gave him a new one bad people would wait for him to be alone push him out of it and steal it, so we are still thinking it through =(. Some people have started to ask us for medicine too which we can provide.
Yes i do control that address
Right now i am spending the equivalent of $35 a day as we are serving about 45 meals each day on average, since each meal is worth 32'000 and currently $1 is 42'000VEF so 45(meals)*32000VEF=1440000 / 42000 = About $35/day, with the donations so far we're able to keep doing exactly this for a little over a month.
It is just me and a friend right now but we are convincing more friends to join so we can scale and serve more meals each day, go to more places, and the next step i would like to do is to go to public hospitals were people are not being fed, as well as in public schools and in public elderly places, but those places would probably increase the required meals by at least 300 each day, even when we could bring the price per meal down by cooking ourselves we wouldn't be able to afford that... I'll make a website with stats, descriptions, pictures and proof of everything and let you know.
Thank you really much again!

(mit "i´ll do that meint er die website erstellen) ich finde in reddit meine antworten an ihn nicht.

von randomizerdude gesendet vor 29 Tagen
I'm in ..., ... (hab die ortsangabe gestrichen, wer sie haben will, pm an mich)
I have written something down, could you let me know what you think? I'm trying to put down everything that is happening here
I'm trying to figure what i will put on the website before i build it.
Thank you so much for everything! =)

von randomizerdude gesendet vor 29 Tagen
You are an awesome person, i hope those kids got to have an awesome Christmas, a lot of people are suffering in the world, it is heartbreaking, i can't stop thinking about the people that we meet every time we go out, sometime we have conversations with them and i swear you to you man, they are really decent people, they really dont deserve to live that way =( theres one i specially cant stop thinking about, my and my friend have come develop some type of bond towards him, he is at the same place every time, with the same clothes, and when we speak to him he is just a regular guy, he tells us stories about his past life, and asks us for advice about how he could go onto get his pension, which really wouldnt help him at all but we dont really want to break his hopes... I really wish i could do more.
I have set up a simple website, is this good enough? or would you like me to improve it?
One friend sent me a message like an hour ago, told me someone she knew was having health issues and was having a lot of seizures and that she needed really expensive medicine and about 20 pills a day total, so she asked if i could help, i sent the money she asked for right away (300'000VEF) which would cover the medicine, then a little bit ago she calls again crying and telling me that the girl had died, can't stop having this really bad pain in my chest after something knowing that =(
I wish there was no suffering in the world, it is so unfair.

so, das waren einige (aber nicht alle seiner) messages bis zum erstellen der website. ist viel text, aber ihr solltet möglichst genauen einblick haben. ich bin mir nicht sicher ob das authentisch ist. was mich verunsichert hat, war z.b. dass er nicht wollte, dass ich nach Venezuela fliege um ihn zu besuchen:

von randomizerdude gesendet vor 3 Tagen
Hi M., it is because that one is a bech32-encoded (BIP173) segwit address, only the newest version of electrum (3.0) can handle them, only electrum 3.0 wallets can send to that segwit format at the moment, but any address of any wallet can receive from those addresses!
I did receive them 0,06636005BTC, thank you very much M., it seriously won't cease to amaze me how kind and caring you are, that'll be of great help and will help so many people.
I myself have been doing well, work is doing fine and i actually got a few clients from the bitcoin subreddit to develop their websites, i managed to find a good spot between this project (about 4 hours a day total) and then work another 10 hours.
About what's going on in here, the situation, that is a different story, you know every year when Christmas approaches here around these dates there's something in the air that makes you feel it, around this date everyone used to open their windows to let the air flow through, it's not just regular air flowing, it has something special that makes you feel Christmas, i remember that feeling from a few years ago when the situation was way more manageable and everyone could afford whatever they wanted with their salary, this thing i'm talking about made you feel instantly so incredibly happy, i am telling this to you because i could feel that today, but it is making noone happy, it is rather making everyone sad.
Christmas is going to be really dark, the government has started to target small business so that they lower their prices, vendors that sell clothing, technology, food, everything, the government is forcing them to sell at a loss so that people can afford to buy stuff for Christmas either that or they go to jail, it is pretty fucking sad because those business that are still in the country are here because they wanted to stay and work for the good of the people, they wanted to stay and help the country improve, or survive no matter how much their friends advised them against them and told them to leave. This already happened two years ago and a lot of business left, not only that but during the time the government was forcing them to do that every disappeared from the shelves because obviously they wouldn't refill them to sell at a loss, and they couldn't do it either because even production stopped.
It didn't matter how much money you had M., you couldn't find anything to buy, there was no eggs, no cooking oil, no chicken, no meat, rice pastas, butter nothing, after a few months the government finally started to release pressure on these prices and vendors and producers were able to start working again, this video is from those times, this is an egg farm and the chicken were dying of starvation because she couldn't find their food anywhere.
The government has seized quite a few factories and business, and land because they "were going to finally put it to work for the people", none of those factories, lands or business are open or working, they are closed and decaying down. These guys really don't care about the people.
Another sad thing is a new disease that is killing people, it is called Difteria, apparently it is a disease treatment and vaccines exists for decades now, a lot of people have died to it already because most people can't get vaccines where they live in their town/city, they were putting shots in my town about two weeks ago in a mall, i couldn't make it because i was really busy and now i can't find a place to get that vaccine, they just did it one day Marcus, it makes no sense, this country never ceases to amaze you, a lot of people are dying yet they seem to not care.
About our project here it's been getting bigger and bigger, i managed to get 2 second hand wheelchairs to two old man that were asking us for them, we started to help these people with medicine as well, we're paying them checkouts so that they check themselves and make sure that they are okay, or if they have something so then that we know and can help them get fixed, we started to change our routine once every few days and also go to institutions where people are having it rough, like elderly institutions, and the public hospital, and Marcus, our public hospital is horrible, the smell is horrible it makes you sick and you feel like vomiting, i can't even describe the smell, apparently the place where they keep the diseased is under ground, but the freezers are not working, so they are decomposing right there, and it is a public hospital where a lot of people go to and our government has so far done nothing about it. Mayor elections are coming soon so i expect them to look into it because they are on campaign. People who are sick above in the hospital have to go through that while they have to deal with their own pains and the rest of the problems the hospital has.
We also tried to find housing to these people but that seems pretty much impossible, noone would rent a house or a place, even if you're a student or wealthy it is really hard right now to find a place to rent, noone wants to deal with the troubles that could come from renting..
But there are a lot of places where homeless can stay at the moment, churches being the biggest ones, churches are helping a lot and we've donated uncooked food to them because they are also helping quite a lot.
I also started to help the family of a female friend who i studied with, i hadn't seen her for a while because shes always busy working, when i met her the other day i got really sad when i saw her, she got really skinny, i went to her house and in that house live her mom, 3 sisters, and 3 nieces, and everyone looked really not healthy like they haven't been eating well for a really long time, when i asked her for water i took a look at her fridge and when she opened it there was only water in there. I really couldn't not bring it up so i started to ask her what is going on, she, her mom and 2 of her sisters are working but they can't manage to buy enough food with their salaries, she told me that they are eating only once each day and that they eat what they can find on the "bodega" at the time (bodegas here are like very little markets, it is just people selling products on their houses...), she told me most days they rice with fried bananas (i'm not talking about the fruit, but about the other one, it looks like a banana and you can't eat it raw, not sure its name in english it is this )
It was really hard but i managed to convince her to let me help them in the end so i have been providing her with enough food for the week at the start of each week. I am also helping her learn how to earn money online since i know of a way to earn money online with not much knowledge, it's not hard at all but it's about $30 a month for working about 4 hours each day, 5 days a week, which is a lot better than what shes earning right now which is about $4 a month by working 8 hours a day 5 days a week... And with what i'm teaching her she'll be at home using her computer.
I think i told you everything or almost everything at least of whats been going on.
Hows your current project going M.? How have you been and how are you doing?
I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes, my English seems to get rustier and rustier.
Thank you again for what you are doing, thank you so much!

und hier die aktuellste nachricht, wo er mir abrät selbst zu kommen:

re: donations
von randomizerdude gesendet vor 3 Tagen
There's a huge problem here right now with the government not allowing international help to come through, a lot of countries have stepped up and offered to help with all different types of supplies, food, medicine, everything but the government is not allowing what they are sending to get through, there's a guy who moved to the US and has been trying to send food in different ways to help but it's always held at customs or just outright disappears.
I will however look into it and ask around to see if there's anything that can be done to make it possible but i don't really feel hopeful on it being possible...
I know what you said about not talking about politics i'm sorry, just got carried out in the topic.
I have absolutely no problem with you or anyone else coming here and receiving you guys but i'd really advise against it as doing so would be putting your life at risk! Crime rate is huge here and thugs are everywhere looking for anyone to rob and if they resist they kill them! If bad people notices you or someone else is not from here and does not speak the language they will think you have money and keep track on you or even outright go after you! There have been instances of tourists getting kidnapped and asking their families for randoms.
Every day dozens die to crime, this is one from two days ago it is really saddening, its impossible to know how you would react in such a situation and if you resist the robbery or the robber just feels like it he'll kill you. That guy was waiting outside a clinic for his father to finish his checkout, you can't take your phone out on the street, or look like you have money... =(
I'm very happy that you managed to be successful in helping these kids, as a kid this gestures have so much influence in what kind of adult you will become in the future and will draw a big smile on their faces that will last such a long time and will make other people who see smile too, it's an incredible act of kindness!
I'd love to help on a larger scale, and i would do it, it depends on how large it is too though, i am doing this because it breaks my hard to see how everyone went from having everything they wanted, to not being able to feed themselves, dying, being hopeless, not being able to save themselves or whats most important to them their families.
I hate everything that is happening here and that is why i try to do my part and help as much as i can, i don't mind taking some time off even a few weeks off work and study, i could complete my current projects and stop for a while and dedicate full time to this, but at some point i'd have to resume my work life because i have a family counting on me too, if i didn't i can honestly say i'd gladly dedicate the rest of my life to this if it was needed, but my family is the most important thing in the world for me and my mom was really affected when we lost my dad last December because in any other country he would have easily been saved, she wants me to move out of here because she is scared for my safety, and i plan on doing it at the end of next year, my aunt already left a while ago she is in working hard in London because she doesnt speak english, my cousin is there too, another aunt is in Portugal, and well the rest of our family is from Portugal, the rest of our family is there, i plan to take my mom to Portugal and my girlfriend too, settle there and continue to live off freelancing and if then it is possible to help those who are suffering here i'll do so, at that point i'll probably be the one who donates too as from that far away i doubt i could do anything else..
So anyway, i'll continue to do my part and help as much as i can for the more or less 1 year that'll still be here. So that's my answer! Thanks for what you are doing!

wofür er sich bedankt sind die BTC spenden, die ich ihm zugesendet habe.

was meint ihr? legit?

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