README: Completed with Heavycoin CPU Miner buld instructions for Ubuntu and Debian. We are waiting for some pools to be available.
Until we will have pools active you can try solo mine (instructions will ready ASAP)
Alternatively you can follow us on Twitter : @hvc_info submit your email here to get an email from us when the mining operations will launch: [HVC] is an innovative CPU ONLY ! Coin that will start mining operation on 8th of March 2014 at aprox. 12:00 GMT.
Info here: no GPU or ASIC miners, CPU mining will be highly profitable. If you want to get some performance you will need Cloud Mining.
Good news: You don't even have to pay initially as you can get some free trials. We will update here the list of free trial as soon as we find them.FREE 24 core dedicated server at
DATASOFTjust go to dedicated servers , select the 24 cores with 8GB RAM and use promocode : free24core
Notice: Please make sure that you create only one account with the Cloud Computing services. Multiple accounts violate their ToS! Furthermore, be gentle and DO NOT excessively use resources -- consuming excessive network capacity, CPU cycles, or disk IO could potentially violate the ToS and lead to account restriction or termination.
Notice 2: Always check your balance with your Cloud service.
10 steps:
1. Preparation:
Windows: Download PuTTY (putty.exe) in order to be able to connect to your VPS via SSH.
If you use for the first time putty and SSH I advice you to watch this step by step video tutorial: Users: use Terminal
2. Sign Up for a Cloud Server or log in if you already have an account:
At the moment you can try :
Digital Ocean
Click here (refferal link)
(NO voucher codes at the moment - we are looking for one).
or you can try :
FREE 24 core dedicated server at
DATASOFT3. Follow the Cloud Service instruction to Launch a server (create a droplet). Select an Ubuntu/Debian OS.
Subnote: Every Cloud Service might use different names for this process but is essentially the same thing ("create a droplet"in Digital Ocean, "launch an instance" in HPcloud, etc.). At the end of the process you should have SSH access to your server.(You need to decide how many CPUs you will use. The more CPU's the more mining power/ more coins but obviously the price will go up. Try to stay in the "free trial" or voucher code for the beginning.) 4. Log in to your server via SSH (Terminal).5. Relocate into the home directory
cd ~
6. Create a swap file
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=64M count=16sudo mkswap /swapfilesudo swapon /swapfile
7. Install dependencies
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install automake build-essential libcurl4-openssl-dev git zip
8. Download the Ubuntu-compiled Heavycoin forked cpuminer, configure and compile:
rm -f -r cpuminer-heavycoin
git clone
cd cpuminer-heavycoin
chmod a+x
./configure CFLAGS="-O3"
9. Now head over to a Pool and follow the instructions posted, for example:
minerd.exe -a heavy -v 32 -o stratum+tcp:// -u worker.user -p workerPass
-v XX = your vote
Congratulations, your HVC mining operations started.
Please note that it can take time until blocks are confirmed and coins payed out.
If you wish to run this process in the background so it doesn't close once you drop the SSH connection, go ahead and use screen. When a screen session is detached, the processes that were running inside it are not stopped.
10. Launch screen
Hit space, then launch the miner; e.g.
minerd.exe -a heavy -v 32 -o stratum+tcp:// -u worker.user -p workerPass
ctrl+d detatches the current screen sessions and brings you back to the normal terminal,
you can re-attach your detached session by typing
screen -r
POOLSnonw working as I type.
-- You may also check out
HEAVYCOIN POOLS LIST Updated and CrowdsourcedCoins will come to your wallet.
If you'd like to send me some donations for supplying this guide, please feel free!
Good luck with HEAVYCOIN!
special thanks to