past posts from the serial flip flopping troll, fewcoins (who is appears to be associated with NotLampchop, falllllling, riiiiiiising, sniveling, fallinglantern, freebambi)
"Why don't you think it will go below 300??? The supply is being created at a massive rate & the demand is disappearing!!! Almost gone!!!""STOP THINKING YOU FOUND SOMETHING AMAZING THAT WILL BLOW UP ONE DAY TO MAKE YOU RICH! IT WILL NOT!!!"
"How is it a bull market long term when miners will continue to sell every coin they mint? That means
unlimited selling pressure... think."
"The point is everybody is selling BTC, nobody is BUYING bitcoins and this will make the price go down until people panic &
make the price decline even further! Endless cycle!!!"
More like 3 year bear market into a crash that wipes BTC out just like that digital gold junk (the first virtual currency) TALK TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO LOST MONEY IN THAT CURRENCY then get back to me!"
"There is no new money coming in and miners are producing $1.8m in bitcoin PER DAY EVERY DAY, It will never stop or slow down. When do you see that much money coming into BTC daily??? Probably around when the last bitcoin is set to be mined & right before all the miners shut off their machines since mining no longer has a reward for them why would they run these machines & pay electricity just to keep the network running???
I think everyone will cash out long before the last bitcoin is mined anyway."
"LOL! Hilarious!!! Let's keep talking about rising prices when BTC has never increased in value since it passed $1,000 ONCE"
"Well people have been jumping onto this sinking ship all year! So hold your hat & jump onto the ride with money you don't mind giving away"
"And right now the supply is getting bigger and bigger everyday while the demand is getting smaller and smaller!
Meaning the price will continue to go down!!! "