The trick is putting your coins (the ones that you're not using regularly) in cold storage somewhere that it would take a while to access them, so it takes a lot of thought to dump them and it's not subject to short-term emotions from price movements.
If you have enough savings that you can still live comfortably if you lose all the coins, HODLing shouldn't be too difficult.
The trick is to treat any money you put in Bitcoin as money burned. Only invest money that you're not going to need any time soon and mentally write it off as squandered.
Whenever people flinch during drops I get the feeling that they invested more than they should have.
I believe that many people will stay calm even if bitcoin work dump on 2000$ point. I think 2000$ is big price to such thing as bitcoin already and I'm going to be happy to get at least this money. But I can understand those people who invested in bitcoin on the position of 5000$. My recommendation to all of them is to hold their founds. I have heard that bitcoin is going to raise to 6000-7000$ this year. So, the time will come.
The nub threads that pop up every now and then tell a different story
Also USD 2k,- is still the light version. If the 2013 aftermath repeats we're looking at a years-long bear market with BTC prices as low as USD 1k,-. Could be quite taxing for some, psychologically. I doubt we'll see either price point any time soon though.
That being said, I'm proud of all you fellow hodlers out there. Keep on hodling!