You are going to be fine.. Post away..
I think most of the BCT members here are males and there are only few females here like me.
First you should understand the concept of
their are no girls on the internet Sure you are a girl whatever but that isn't going to afford you any advantages here and is somewhat perceived as a mark of a scammer to go around proclaiming that you are a girl, expecting anyone to treat you any different because you are a girl is not the direction you want to start your new crypto career off in.
I bet their are a lot more females on the forum than you notice because I think a lot of the more net-savvy females don't make it be known that they are girls..
No foul on your part but don't throw that around as a reason to be anything different than anyone else..
I am not confident enough to get a good post and at the same time my english is also not that good.
It's not that bad and many people will respect you a lot for practicing to improve your english..
Just do your best and try to get better as you post..
"My english isn't perfect but it is getting better" is awesome..
"English isn't my first language so I have an excuse to post like shit" is not awesome..
Again, your english is quite acceptable actually and if you portray effort in it you will be fine..
I worry with the current system that needs to get merit to rank up and probably i will be stuck on Jr. member rank. Well i guess do not have problem with that
Don't worry about it, by time you deserve a high rank people/sources will know it and help to get you there (I would like to think), or the merit system will have changed again.. Because if it doesn't work then it will change again..
but the only thing is that everytime i saw a legendary account i feel intimidated from my post in english since i know that those member are really doing well.
Legendary doesn't mean they are doing well..
Plenty of legendaries have been scammers and now are ruined..
Plenty more have lost all of their money in crypto NOT gotten rich or just barely did well in crypto..
Their are legendary sig spammers, gambling section poster legendaries, legendaries making all their posts in games and rounds/bounties..
They aren't all "doing well".. They have just been here a long time on that one account..
I am a Filipino native speaker specifically cebuana and i guess this is where my problem starts with low confidence. What do you think guys Am i will going to be alright here in the forum?
Practice perfecting your english in every post.. Put effort into it, and people will give you more respect for that than just being a native english speaker that makes crap posts..
You know if you are so worried about what people think about you here - you don't have to let people think anything about you here..
You can just make another account at any time, not tell anyone who you really are, and not give 2 shitcoins about what people think of you.. Just don't do bad, morally wrong, things or we will getcha..
Keep your moral high ground.. Behave in a respectable moral manner and you will always be on the right side and have nothing to fear..
Grow thick internet skin because people WILL mess with you, but if you have your moral high ground then you are good..
You are going to need your thick skin even more if you want to run around proclaiming your femininity all the time, for example.
Jesus, 4 replys while I wrote this..