It's now possible to export the parent descriptor with xprv key by using the command: listdescriptors true.
You can get your address' prvKey with the help of Iancoleman's BIP39 tool (or any alternative).
- First use the command: getaddressinfo and take note of the result.
- Export the parent descriptor (private) with the command: listdescriptors true.
- Select the correct parent descriptor based from the address' script type (pkh, wpkh, sh),
also check if it's a descriptor for receiving or change addresses ("internal": false = receiving | true = change); then take note of its xprv key. - Launch BIP39 tool (offline) and paste the xprv key as "BIP32 Root Key".
- Select the correct derivation path as described in the descriptor, the derived addresses and private keys will be listed below the page.
If the address is not in the list:
In getaddressinfo's result, look for "hdkeypath":" to see the index (last digit), since the tool will only show 20 by default; generate more rows if it's 20+.
Also check if the path is correct.
For Taproot descriptors, the suggested tool doesn't support it yet.