How exactly someone can obtain more luck?
You obtain more luck, by placing orders or buying advantages over other users.
It called increasing the possibility of certain outcome to occur, also known as the basic principle of probability. Luck and probability are not the same.[...]
Luck and probability are the same, because your luck correlates, to your chance of winning, at least in my system.
No, they are not.
Oxford Learner's Dictionary, for example,
defines luck as, "
good things that happen to you by chance, not because of your own efforts or abilities", while probability is
defined as "
the ratio of the number of outcomes in an exhaustive set of equally likely outcomes that produce a given event to the total number of possible outcomes.
Even if we disregard the definition of probability and rely solely on Oxford's definition of luck, and compare it to your statements thus far, it shows clear difference. Luck is an intangible factor, something that happens without your own efforts or abilities. While your statements said people can "buy" luck, the act of buying points to an effort; thus contradicting the very definition of luck. Probability requires and heavily relates to effort, luck disregards effort and skill.
layman's terms, luck is an incontrolable factor that influence an outcome. Probability is an effort to ensure one outcome has more likelihood to happen compared to other.
ELI5, luck is buying one ticket out of 100 entries and you won, probability is buying 80 tickets to increase the possible outcome of you winning the round.
Interesting because it contradict the earlier statement. Above, you said one can obtain "more luck" by placing orders, and on this part you said that you disable the ability to buy multiple tickets?
Correct, uniquely, I allow users to place more orders for more luck, while also making sure, users cannot buy more tickets than each other, making it a fair system, and also a system, that rewards losers. The system contains both holydarkness, so I disable ability to buy more tickets than others, while allowing you to place more orders, and
increase your luck.
First, probability, not luck. Second, if any, it indicates that there are certain control for the outcome of the lottery, is it not? One can limit the ability of purchasing entries, how can the participants be assured that it's not only the total entries one can purchase that's being controlled. Third, how do the maximum amount of tickets be predetermined?
Oh, you missed this part,
UMG, was operating, before Bitcoin Talk Forum.
I monitored the activity then, and now.
Likewise, I help users with support from Bitcoin Talk Forum.
Compared to the users, I receive from tiktok, and other ads.
The Bitcoin Talk Forum, is only a small percentage of users of UMG.
I am monitoring this, by how many people I have to help from, the forum, versus, other sources.
So, in numbers, they are...?
Holydarkness, before I respond to you, let me clarify, that I am my own scientist.
You cannot counter my argument, by quoting another scientist's definition to me.
As i am my own scientist, making my own definitions. And have tested these theories, thousands of times for months.
I will be back in a couple of minutes to read everything you said, and properly respond to you. Thanks.
How exactly someone can obtain more luck?
You obtain more luck, by placing orders or buying advantages over other users.
It called increasing the possibility of certain outcome to occur, also known as the basic principle of probability. Luck and probability are not the same.[...]
Luck and probability are the same, because your luck correlates, to your chance of winning, at least in my system.
No, they are not.
Oxford Learner's Dictionary, for example,
defines luck as, "
good things that happen to you by chance, not because of your own efforts or abilities", while probability is
defined as "
the ratio of the number of outcomes in an exhaustive set of equally likely outcomes that produce a given event to the total number of possible outcomes.
Even if we disregard the definition of probability and rely solely on Oxford's definition of luck, and compare it to your statements thus far, it shows clear difference. Luck is an intangible factor, something that happens without your own efforts or abilities. While your statements said people can "buy" luck, the act of buying points to an effort; thus contradicting the very definition of luck. Probability requires and heavily relates to effort, luck disregards effort and skill.
layman's terms, luck is an incontrolable factor that influence an outcome. Probability is an effort to ensure one outcome has more likelihood to happen compared to other.
ELI5, luck is buying one ticket out of 100 entries and you won, probability is buying 80 tickets to increase the possible outcome of you winning the round.
Interesting because it contradict the earlier statement. Above, you said one can obtain "more luck" by placing orders, and on this part you said that you disable the ability to buy multiple tickets?
Correct, uniquely, I allow users to place more orders for more luck, while also making sure, users cannot buy more tickets than each other, making it a fair system, and also a system, that rewards losers. The system contains both holydarkness, so I disable ability to buy more tickets than others, while allowing you to place more orders, and
increase your luck.
First, probability, not luck. Second, if any, it indicates that there are certain control for the outcome of the lottery, is it not? One can limit the ability of purchasing entries, how can the participants be assured that it's not only the total entries one can purchase that's being controlled. Third, how do the maximum amount of tickets be predetermined?
Oh, you missed this part,
UMG, was operating, before Bitcoin Talk Forum.
I monitored the activity then, and now.
Likewise, I help users with support from Bitcoin Talk Forum.
Compared to the users, I receive from tiktok, and other ads.
The Bitcoin Talk Forum, is only a small percentage of users of UMG.
I am monitoring this, by how many people I have to help from, the forum, versus, other sources.
So, in numbers, they are...?
Holydarkness, I am going, to add on my previous message, to say, I appreciate users like you. Because you are smart, in my opinion. Everything I am saying, you are able to pick up on, and you are also able to ask intellectual questions, based on this field. I really do appreciate it.
To answer, your questions.
UMG, composes a luck based system.
This system, allows you to manipulate your luck.
With this system, now luck and probability are the same.
Essentially a user, can place multiple orders, increasing their luck to win. Ultimately increasing their probability to win.
The system is a function of time. If you place more orders than me, you have more luck than me, and a higher a probability to win.
Versus when the round resets, and now we are both at the same luck, and have the same chance and same probability of winning.
In essence what you are thinking of is luck, without a propietary component for you to monitor your luck, and manipulate it.
What I am giving you is the luck based system, so now you have a way to manipulate your probability of winning. And you can monitor your probability of winning, because you can monitor your luck.
What you are referring to is, luck that is random, luck you cannot monitor.
But this type of luck is in UMG.
Along with the type of luck, UMG gives you so, so you know your probability of winning, and can increase your probability of winning over time.
Now luck, and probability correlate to each other, because you can manipulate your luck, versus others, giving you a better chance to win, and a higher probability to win.
Likewise, the amount of tickets, per round, this is unlimited. The only difference is, each user has a luck based system, that is helping them to win, if they have not won.
So if you are trying to buy more tickets, than you are supposed, you are actually screwing yourself, over, because you are not letting the system help you win, because you are using all your money to buy more tickets, and not orders, so you can get more luck, and win overtime.
This is why users, do not buy more tickets than they are supposed to.
To add on top of that, if there are 100 users, who buy 5000$ tickets, this is 500,000 that will then be dispersed back, to the players, it being equally fair, no one having an advantage over each other.
The next lottery, all of our lucks will increase, but if everyone's luck is all the same, then the probability to win, did not increase.
Per say, I was playing hours, before 'holydarkness', and I had way more luck than him.
And he came this round, and put his money in.. I am going to take his money, because I have way more luck than him, and a mucher higher chance to win, since his luck is much less than mine.
Now with the integration of the luck based system, you probability to win and luck correlate, because you are able to manipulate your luck versus others, now giving you the higher probability to win, in a luck based system.
That is so complicated, I am sorry.