I don't think any "responsible" member needs 150 accounts. Good luck with that.
I only want fair compensation for the money I spent on these accounts, I do not want to harm the forum. I only want to break even on what I spent.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Also i'm pretty sure you've harmed the forum already by "
SPAMMING!) it with 150 accounts....?
Cool ... edit your post.
To reply to your edit
I made legitimate posts over 2 years to build the accounts. I followed the rules like all members should. IF you want to call it harming, that's your opinion....and I don't really give a shit about your opinion.
If this is really the attitude toward this type of post (I am trying to do some good here), you are doing more harm than me. I will just give these accounts away for shit cheap prices and you are the one responsible for whoever gains control of them, not me. Think before you say, peasant.
How am i, in any way, responsible for the accounts YOU sell?
If this is really the attitude toward this type of post (I am trying to do some good here), you are doing more harm than me.
You're trying to do something that's "good" for your net worth, sure.
I will just give these accounts away for shit cheap prices and you are the one responsible for whoever gains control of them, not me. Think before you say, peasant.
Is this how you rationalize things? Ho Lee Fuuk.